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NICE PATTERN ... all 1’s’& 2’s … a pair of three (3) of-a-kind iffen you’re playing cards.

Today’s lesson will begin with silver linings as in clouds. Clouds in this context indicate a negative or darker side however I am thinking now in clichés as in making lemonade from lemons when dealt.

So when YOU get dumped on and are asking or thinking why me and not the idiot across the street, the proud atheist or the jerk that cut you off in traffic, you need to shift your paradigm and retool looking at the hardship as an opportunity.


A great guess contextually but no.

Look it up and you will learn.

It’s like if I GIVE you a fish, you get gratified one (1) time as in maybe one (1) meal. Learning to fish you can run with the idea and eat forever, buy a boat and become a very successful commercial fishing enterprise if you can navigate all the rules and regulations in place today.

I see a headline Dr Oz is calling out Tony Fooch (MD) but I lost the link. This is a good news story challenging the old fart. So thrilled was I that I actually scanned the article and get this Fans and trustworthy readership, Ozzie is jumping into politics.

Yep. He is going to run for something. The senate probably first to 'test' the waters. But he wants to be presidnet don't be fooled. The thirst for POWER is INTOXICATING.

I couldn’t believe it either. He truly is power hungry and adores the limelight. His ego surely must come close, equal or surpass The Fooch.


You are ON today.

To the lone demotard follower in Richardson, how about THIS for a ticket … Dr Oz & OPRAH.


Oh yes. Just think Ms Bold Caps. Ozzie can cure everyone and Veep Oprah can give free stuff away EVERY DAY!! If you think it can't get worse, DON'T vote and wait and see what happens.

I think it is a can’t lose ticket. They have so many ‘followers’ they MAY shut out or even SKUNK the opposition party I am thinking in a 'free' election. Make that NON-free like we had LAST TIME and elected Howdy Doodie.

But I must end serious political speculation and nonsense here & now and move forward.

Briefly as I take to the keyboard to inform readership that your correspondent will be going dark and dropping off the grid for an unknown, undetermined or otherwise slightly extended period of time which begs explanation.


I was going to cover all the details for Heavens sake so do NOT let any of those locations loose as that is EXACTLY how rumors start. You knitwhit.

No, where was I so I can get back on the track … ?

My computer needs the annual check-up and clean-up which is probably 4-5 years overdue. I mean far too many keys are sticking and Rodi ( IT guru, sponsor and LEGAL immigrant) will remove ALL virus, fungus, malware & spyware that accumulates and always seems to get thru the latest and greatest commercially available software protection packages and programs.

He estimates 3-4 days. CCP virus you know is effecting his small business. Of course …

Much like the Mayan calendar, Bill’s calendar will have some ‘dead days’ at years end and the Holiday nonsense coupled with the upcoming gallery exhibit on the docket there simply is not that much leisure time so this all makes PERFECT SENSE.

To me anyway which is all that counts.

Therefore, unless things change, this may be it until 2022.

However, if there is something major to report AND I get the machine back in time AND Santa brings unanticipated or unexpected ‘motivation’, drops off some ‘free time’, stranger things have been known to happened.

In which case YOU win.

Therein lies the Silver lining.

Lot’s of material will be gathered, stored for later regurgitation. When you check back J22, you can scan quickly the best of the best events that transpired during the Year Dead-end days.

There you have it.

Wrapped with a bow.

Have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, be Safe and Healthy.

Your obedient servant..



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