12 3 21 Fryday

March continues to roar and the largest question that looms on the mental horizon becomes can it be maintained and sustained ?
Observe for a moment taking time out if you will the pattern that emerges with todays date.
It’s like climbing a mountain. Consecutive numbers rise and then fall back to one like so … Ʌ.
Yesterday I visited a couple of new (to me) printers local to McK.
Print Art has this printer, press or printing machine I am not certain what or how they refer to it internally to the trade but when it was described it was most interesting and I had to see it.
It has a manufacturer and model number however I did not note any of that saving for a follow up visit.
This machine takes ANY digital image and can print it to ANY substrate up to four (4) FEET x eight (8) feet. Any substrate as in ANY material from cloth, paper, glass, wood, metal or stone. I ALMOST said ‘rock’.
Nada for now only file it under ‘ASSETS’ ‘RESOURCES’ OR ‘METHODS, TECHNIQUES & TOOLS’ all for future considerations and reference.
Since I was on that far side of town I swung by to the new printer to check on the new rack card and business cards. .
Monica at ColorItGraphics is NAILING it. I approved the front proof of the rack card and now it is FINALLY perfect after 6 or 7 flawed attempted iterations.
At night I received via electronic mail the back of the card and it SPARKLES as well. I could see nothing wrong in format, copy or ANYTHING.
VERY exciting to see it and pass them with a measure of pride.
The business cards begin the reprint process on Monday when the GA returns from vacation.
Nothing too difficult but I learned my lesson with MMP and need to tend to the details and shepard the project thru from design to completion. The transfer of files at closure from MMP was a little ugly on their part and some of the material is going to have to be recreated. Again, NOT all that difficult and if I would take the time to learn photoshop I could do it.
But as I was telling Monica in that case it would draw my time from creative activities in one of those situations and sets of conditions where one simply does not win.
OK I got to cut and run again dashing off.
I started out for the Thursday night neighborhood social gathering but didn’t get out of the drive way. My excuse and Story will be I was ‘painting’ and felt stronger and more inclined to work on the various number of painting projects while it was still light and stayed close to the fortress.
The list of projet artistiques is long and fun for today. The peppermint angelfish half-bodies are going quickly and well. I am thinking of putting in an order for more of them. I MUST finish WS.7 and painting the gulls.
I MUST print and mail the FINAL version of the letter to WWAF subject ‘wait list’ as that date is the next on the artistic calendar. If this fails to develop the next major event would be end of April in Galveston. A phone call this week informed your obedient servant the Saturday night art walks are ‘on again’ the next scheduled 27 April so some strat planning is in order for that but in time.
The question burning is to contact OGTC feeling out THEIR plans to A) participate in some capacity there at the gallery OR B) drive down, spend the night and simply observe and absorb the coastal vibe(s) surrounding the Art Walk.
ONE FINAL thing you can take to the bank, NO REPORT manana. IDC how the numbers fall thirteen is an ‘off’ day for writing.
One MUST live by some sort of rolling credo or dare I say ‘rules’?
Waiter, more coffee por favor …