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15/ + February 2021: Day I

A Survivor’s (so far) log. Conditions have deteriorated further to Dangerous and to follow is a transcribed account of what HOPEFULLY will be a SURVIVORS account as record low temperatures are being posted that have stood since the early 20th Century. (1902 or 3).

It isn’t truly funny but one MUST make light of such things or tears would freeze painfully, homicide rates would climb and far too many peeps would go ... nuts.

First, catching up.

Day I

7:18 A

Hopefully this is not the end.

Cold is now life-threatening and I am certain and positive people are, have and will die. My goal is not to be one of them.

There is no electricity, all power is out in the hood. There is little to no traffic on the streets one notable exception was a fire truck seeming to be on patrol. No flashing lights or noisy sirens.

I have 8° C on the upper deck while the other two sensors are blank for the lack of power.

Sounds, the tics of a small battery operated ‘weather station’ can be barely heard over a generator somewhere near by.

My phone is charged and I am conserving every resource I have for the forecasted is for this condition to be this way until Thursday.

I am bundled up, warm, the light of the sun rising is the only positive thing to report at this time.

I have made or am assembling a 'bug out’ bag but hopefully again I won’t have to use it. A backpack with toothbrush, socks, undies just in case the authorities knock on the door and order an evac. I can’t imagine a public shelter being close to the facilities here. At least there are no lines, noise or those God-awful bar and subway station smells of vomit or urine. Hopefully conditions will improve and the evac bag won’t be needed.

I still feel most secure and safe here at home.

Cold for sure, uncomfortable no question but anywhere, ANYWHERE else one would have a real cause to complain.

Help should be coming in order, first electricity then all the other things will should fall into place.

Praying for others, Family first and then friends, the ROW last.

8:45 A

I checked a small table lamp (a salvaged Maker’s bottle) and it turned on! We have power Houston !!

The display on the upper deck was lit up so I quickly turned on the heat and it started to cycle as it has gotten uncomfortably cold. The moving cold air feels better and then pure joy when the warmth can be noticed only slightly at first then more now replacing ambient. Without question prayers have been answered.

Downstairs to cycle the lower unit and make coffee. I am thinking were I so moved I would walk somewhere for the exercise and get a hot coffee but now no need.

Official reading 7° C cribside, 49 and 49°F the other two instruments now that they are powered.

10:45 A

Power is off again. Upstairs reading Grant’s memoirs in a chair positioned for passive solar and it is actually quite pleasant. I did not finish the pot of coffee and the last cup is cold quickly. Real quick. I notice a pattern in the power distribution immediately.

4:05 P

Power is still off; the sun shines deceptively as it grow uncomfortably cold once again. Dreading the night and sundown. While light, I assemble small led flashlights that work, a crank-up radio and the charged little solar panel as a charger for easy locating in the night all if necessary.

5:14 P

The sun is setting and it is getting cold again. I call TXU … ‘demand is high, take a number and you will receive a call back in 11-17 HOURS.' The forecast is bleak until Thursday. The Plan is to go to bed early and hope to wake up. It’s that bad. Reading Grant as the light diminishes making reading impossible. 5:22 Called and texted S1 (Br12) and he is OK. This is a lift psychologically.

6:07 P

Power suddenly comes back on. I made a Plan and quickly assemble two (2) flour tortillas with fried cabbage, mushrooms and onion leftover from the night before. I top each with shredded mozzarella and when microwaved this mess becomes a much appreciated, needed and welcomed hot meal. Before I can make a cup of hot chocolate, the power goes out again. A short burst this time.

6:47 P

I set up two (2) small lamps as signals for when the electricity might come on. One is a back up. I don night clothes, wrap myself in my Will Robinson space blanket and slip under the flannel sheet, quilt, Siberian comforter all after a brushing of the teeth and a melatonin tab. I expect or plan to awake in the night.

7:08 I am in bed and because I was able to fully charge my phone, I watch a movie under the covers. As a test, after the movie the battery registered 80%. Consumption was a valuable piece of data for the near-future.

Day II

16 February

2:03 A

The lights suddenly come on and there is electricity and most importantly heat. I set up all bedside devices to charge mode, turn on upstairs unit and hustle downstairs to do the same plus make that cup of hot chocolate I am now craving in the microwave. It is divine. My own concoction I splash in some Kamora. Knowing the drill really helps this time as I waste no time fumbling or farting around for who knows how long the power will hold this time.

I thoroughly enjoy and relish the hot chocolate, reposition the bedding after checking readings. They are 4°C, 45F and 49 respectively. While the heat cycles I take another melatonin.

4:17 A

Power and heat go off. A quick check shows phone and all chargeable items fully charged. Good to go. Sort of. Having a standing plan has never had more value. Were there another person or people here it would be exponentially more complex and difficult. I am thinking and feeling better about my chances for surviving this ordeal but not by much. I pray myself to sleep as the melatonin takes over.

9:00 A

I finally nudge myself out of the warm bed after a log debate.The sun streaked the room took it over the top. I listened to the NOAA weather report and here also is some encouragement. Not much and I haven’t stopped praying. As the morning wears on, I have the coffee pot set, plugged in so as soon as there is power, thereafter will shortly be coffee. Same with a hot breakfast.There is no way to predict how, when or if the next allocation of electricity will be issued. Cold. Positioned for solar, covered and reading.

12:02 P

I am feeling bold and make a fire in the fireplace. Exchanged text msgs with Family and all well. Confidence is gaining and growing that this too shall pass so I start a happy hour and some projets artistiques to fuel the fire staying close by. The fireplace is not the best source for such heat but it will work here now. My plan is to let it die out with no additional fueing at 3:00 so all embers dead by dark and bed time.

3:00 P

Grant takes Fort Donelson. I was there as a side trip when I was in the work force and a site visit to Ft Campbell. Incredible to be reading about it, what went on and actually being on the field as Grant calls it. A return trip would be in order. About all I can recall is it was cold then for my visit and the fort and battle ground was so much larger that the impression I got from the written historical accounts. It was perhaps Grant's first significant victory and it is just amazing the leaderhsip skills, the petty politicking and fortunes including communications all playing together. Over 100 years ago and much the same is happening today.

Readings: 4, 44 and 45.

4:48 P

Power on as is the drill. Supper is hot chili with meted mozzeralla, a vino blanco frmo guess where ... Chile and some cheese and crackers. Scrambling to post up so readership world-wide does not become overly alarmed. 6:00 readings 7, 60 and 50.

Posted up, going for seconds on the chili.

Then bed at dark when the embers are all dead and the chimney can be closed down.

This is Bill going out from Ice Station cloud. 5:49 CST.


17 February: Ash Wednesday

9:09 A

Power came on this morning at 8:45 and after initial scrambling settled down to hot breakfast and coffee. The coldest is in the past however the snow, sleet and freezing rain alert aka ‘storm warning’ ends tomorrow. The weather gooks are predicting 3-5 inches which is fine and makes no difference to your correspondent. Next Monday we should see 16° which is the magic 60° F so THAT end is in sight.

Last night after watching the last little ember of the fire die in the fireplace I closed the flue and crawled into bed. The light (power) came on at 10:44 P so I scrambled, turning on both furnice units and a light to read. Then I decided to see if I could watch the amazon prime series I am binging but it wouldn’t connect. No loss as I just worked on Grant until the light went out. I did make a cup of hot chocolate and with a melatonin slept thru the night until the lamp came on again so that is pretty much it.

Today, I have the Mass readings received last week and the Lenten observance will commence. Also, the focus will be on Fine Art projects for the WWAF coming up first iffen I get the call from the ‘wait list.’

Specific high-qual projects you understand.

Must post up and dash. Thanks for your prayers.

Day IV

12:02 P

The power came on at 8:45 A and has not turned off so the crisis may be over. The worst of the cold appears to be in the rearview mirror going forward. I was suspecting this power on MIGHT be permanent and again I was right. I am closing this account and entry unless and until the power goes back off. If you have money and are willing to bet AND your membership/dues/pledge(s) are up-to-date, bet that this is for real and the LAST report on the ordeal that is 2021. Maybe now we can get back to the REAL news on the epidemic.

Call your bookie or Vegas 311, ask for operator TX3 and tell them you want to bet on the 21 Texas freeze out. Good chance you'll collect.

Bill out unless and until ...

(on-going account to be continued as resources allow ... IOW more later.

Update ... I'd net on it ...)



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