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16 Jn 21

Tee minus two (that’s t-2 in 60’s speak) and to claim the climax of alignment is approaching would be the hugest understatement made on this vehicle ever. EVER !!

Yesterday, most likely a day late due to the Holiday (which is fine) received official notification of acceptance to ARToberFEST in Galveston.


Indeed the locals were impressed.

It took a spell for it to sink in (synch or cink?) in really. I haven’t officially ACCEPTED or confirmed my participation however it is on the docket of things to do, simply a matter of time and will be accomplished unless or until lightning or a meteor or some such thing happens. Perhaps Hades will freeze over? Again ??

And what was it like? IDK, just a little good news in the Grand Scheme of Things I guess.

Company arrived at 8:03 yesterday a bit between sunset and dark. Let’s call it dusk.

Unloaded the gear which was extensive and frightening to witness as a host.

After clearing the 10-minute re-entry quarantine it was into the cement pond for a quick refresh and soon after Mom (FB) brought out a mini-meal on a fancy tray she found in a pantry and we feasted amongst and with as the feeding mosquitoes.

This morning I got the jump on little Mikey and am up early. Coffee perking thru and Mimus polyglottus is calling clearly and loudly outside somewhere nearby. Thanks again Emma for that confirmation in the ID.

I guess that’s about it from here for now.

We had a brief synching of schedules late last night before turning in and knowing the cast of characters SOMEONE will be bounding on carpeted floors and down the stairs very soon with a ‘Hey grandpa …’ in about the same pitch and volume as Dennis the Menace.

He had a minor little biological episode or event last night and I say minor because iffen your obedient servant and host had to clean it up it WOULD have been classified a MAJOR event and meltdown.

Mom has been schooled and handled it like a pro and I maintained a spotless record in cleaning up such matters.

Speaking of such matters, on Monday as I was working and puttsing around the garage and older gent walking a rather large dog bent, bag in hand, to retrieve a ‘duty’ from either the sidewalk or the lower reaches of the lawn I couldn’t see exactly and I Thank him for doing that. We had a brief, pleasant exchange sparing the reader further details.

And finally, as the first Briefing broke up yesterday, we reviewed all possible planned activities for this visit.

Schedules, places etc and it begins very soon. Trust me.

One trip high on the list over dessert was an excursion to the North Texas Tortoise Sanctuary & Conservation Center. I had been there once some years ago and very cool. FB-nextGEN saw the business card and expressed a keen interested. A couple of the torti are large enough to ride and I can see the picture of MIkey saddled up. A calendar shot in the making.

I am positive an art lesson will be squeezed in for FBNG as early as this morning. No 2 will be relegated to ‘observer only’ status for his attention span can be measured only in nanoseconds.

With the confirmation to ARToberFEST an entire set of new actionable items and event tasking begins. I need to secure a larger tent (10 x 20), serious lodging and overland transport for the inventory which is also going to be required to BALLOON and start soon.

Standby for a future report IFFEN time permits KNOWING things are just a’ jumping here at the cloud and on the hill.

Going out with a cut from the soundtrack for today … ‘Here comes the sun’ OR the reliable standby from Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker ... wait for it ... don’t get ahead of me por favor ... ‘It’s getting near dawn …

From the cloud, shutting down for this report.



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