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16 September …

FRIDAY … time squeezed, posting strategically and darkness closing in.

I’m thinking, which could be a GOOD thing OR a BAD sign, that this entry will be very brief.


Listen Ms Bold Caps this could be so much easier if you worked WITH me. Perhaps you would prefer NOT WORKING at all. (?)

Speaking of work, re-entry into the working force has captured a spike of my focus and attention. I contacted a former employer which is a large organization, highly structured and strictly managed by budding mindless bureaucrats. Strangling and stifling processes and procedures ad nauseum. But the pay and benefits were good.

FB sent me links to 3-4 fascinating articles about neurophysiology, behavior and rehabilitation that grabbed my interest as well. So much so that I am investigating pursuit of certification as a CBIS. It may have some merit but like everything else a new set of obstacles (aka ‘rules’) appears as in hoops to jump thru. That is what I am looking at right now. The application process, ROI and 'future considerations.'

Formal education, past experience and most recent experience are well-aligned to at least explore as a career extension opportunity at this very exciting phase of life. It COULD be an excellent opportunity to do some real good, help people in need and give something back before the Big Exit. And be lucratively compensated in the meantime.

That said, if you have been following along at home, which you have, a very significant date is Sunday.


I was getting to that. Why don’t you take the rest of the day off and have a nice weekend.

Sunday, 18 S will be the one (1) year anniversary on substack. I could say it was a resounding success however that could be interpreted a number of ways and come back to haunt me as such claims sometimes do.

Rather than make a ‘white lie’, suffice to say it was good and overall a successful trannie as in transition. According to Plan, rather than support two platforms, wix and the stack, substack as mentioned wins for the blog. Sunday will be the last hurrah for the blog on wix, the final epitaph.

The material WILL BE ARCHIVED AND REFERRED to now as the old testaments and on selected days material MAY be resurrected as needed to fill creative voids when or if the well dries up. So if you are thinking material will cease and a paid subscription not worth the value, think again. There WILL be material this vehicle provides enough theraputic value to continue for the foreseeable future.

Speaking of water as in drying up …

Nope. I can’t do it.

That’s going to have to wait.

Stay tuned for huge things, bigger to be sure but better will have to be TBD.

Like today I had Andy Rooney lined up and had to reschedule. He was not happy. YO Ming is in a constant holding pattern. Guillermo Sanchez is always between fiesta and siesta.

Maybe new characters. Special Ed, poor Richard and always interviewing for a replacement for Ms Bold Caps.

Yesterday I received some seeds from Baker Creek heirloom seed company that must, must, MUST be buried properly as in TODAY with water.

So, all this said, things will be dark here until Sunday at LEAST and perhaps you could see a big report on Monday to start the week.

Anyway, wait, watch and comment on the transition, transfer and transformation.

The milestone should start fading into the rearview by this time next week.



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