20 = 11 + 9
Number nine, number 9, #9 paging number nein. Plus 11 as in the month of ‘N’ equals 20 (the year) get it? Today’s date is an equation if you care to insert the appropriate symbols which today of course I do.
So I slept in this day arising at 4:05.

I ACTUALLY TRIED to go back to sleep but did not take even the lighter dose level melatonin deciding I have far too many projects and fun things on my docket that I really, REALLY want to attack.
So I got up while the electric is still free, made coffee and here I is. OR ‘M’.
My drafted Plan(s) for this day did not include either an entry OR report however when I realized the date, let’s just face it. One simply cannot allow such opportunities to pass.
So here I am.
Yesterday's word was 'octothorpe' and I am going to have some fun with it testing peoples wit, knowledge and vokabulary.
Shut up. I’m rolling and it is impossible to determine for how long this little wave of creativity will last.
Some sad news yesterday and yet another ‘add’ to the prayer list.
Jean Jeanie texted from the ER and requested rescheduling our meeting Wednesday of this week due to a conflict with emergency surgery. Seems someone feels strongly that ripping out her gall bladder will cure her current ailment.
I was about to make (only) a SUGGESTION TMS.
You are off-base and totally out of line. I told you once so again, shut up or you WILL be getting a FULL refund so I don’t have to put up with the likes of you. I’ll HIRE a side-kick/wing person.
Anyway, where was I?
See what happens?
I’m done.
I LOST it.