For December 2014
The fourth day of December now and things are progressing splendidly. Minor turbulence anticipated but only rarely this Thursday.
Cindy from Cincinatti !! Thanks for checking in. So good from hear from you ! I detect your sarcasm but will humor you with yes, it IS nice. And thanks again for putting the sin in Cincy.
So today was an out-day for a commando shopping mission. Made the loop, touching all the bases with surgical precision & back home @12:28 with a mission accomplished sticker waiting.
I was driving south on Redbud to St Michaels for Stop one (SI) & I see a horse & rider approaching. I could NOT believe my eyes. I naturally slowed down as we approached not wanting to spook the animal. Opps … can one say ‘spook’ ? SORRY … not.
The rider is a McK mounted police officer. Opps x2.
And she is HOT.

Nevermind. In this age bracket now, HOT is young, slender & blonde so what of it? She was wearing dark aviator sunglasses and the sun wasn’t even out. So there.
The thought of stomping pedal to metal to see if they could catch a speeder went thru my mind but what would I do IF they caught me ?
Besides, she probably had tats & a Nazi fetish.
I went about my mission thinking all a commando needs on a shopping mission is such diversions & distractions to delay & undermine completion.
I moved to SII aka second base and performed a ‘good deed’ for the day. I moved a shopping cart blocking a perfectly good parking space in the Walmart parking lot. I wanted to park there but when I got passed the car blocking my view, the cart was in the way. I was thinking if a wind could come up & set the thing rolling, it could ding a car. Maybe even Silver … one NEVER knows.
Third base (SIII) was for fuel for Silver. Gas prices are dropping like hair at a barber shop. Kudos to EVERYONE for dropping demand & driving the price down. Consolidating trips, walking or riding a bike and NOT taking the car WORKS !
Keep it up America.
SIV (aka final stop) was Kay-Roger (kay ro-jay) for a couple of items. Burned the last $1.00 off coupon for Clif bars. Saved the last Tillamook coupon however. Milk & whole wheat tortillas completed the short list.
The cable BLUES station is absolutely ROCKING this day setting the stage for a great atmosphere for productivity.
Patty dropped by for dinner last night & brought her Beats pill. Awesome, AWESOME sounds now. This one Beats can ‘pair’ with my SONY knock off & with both having bluetooth (aka 'wireless') capabilty, the possibilities have just INCREASED EXPONENTIALLY in Bill’s favor for superb listening enjoyment. Thinking by the lagoon ... this summer.
I can see a ‘Blues festival’ here early this spring. Everyone attending MUST wear blue, we listen to blues collections, I FEEL it …
Bill Doggett … Honky Tonk, Pt I from the Very Best of Bill Doggett (1956).
Got to keep it short here today Fans. The energy level has returned & while the out-list is all crossed out, the in-list IS NOT. One major item is making a redirect link from the old to the new testament.
Then laundry. Christmas & non-Christmas projects to follow until supper & Stars game.
Yeah … you SEE what I'm talking about …
As always,
Your correspondent.