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Solstice / Winter

6:00 am. Yes, up early this day for much is planned & the fortress castle is very quiet. I am so happy today for after today the hours of daylight will INCREASE every day until about 18-22 June. EXTREMELY COOL.

The thought crossed my mind to go back to bed & do what Jefferson did quite often & that was work in bed. Not what YOU are thinking Cindy from Cincy.


No moron, Thomas Jefferson. Founding Father, Third President & forget the ‘POTUS’ crap. TJ would SPIN in his grave at such mention.

One little difference that comes to mind between Thomas Jefferson & myself is that he had slaves. PLURAL. I have one (1) and he doesn’t pay attention well sometimes.



My To-Do list for today is drafted & set. I can’t do too much yet as nothing is open but number one & most immediate a fire is going. On one of the RARE occasions Rochester agreed & actually made a fire in the fireplace this morning providing unbelievably physical as well as the expected & anticipated psycho-warmth, pseudo or faux warmth.

I may be cooking the second turkey today. If we WERE talking politics, the second turkey would be smilin Joe Biden. But were not.

Much depends on how or if anything UNanticipated unfolds between now & then to impact that plan. Could be tomorrow.

Two (2) Christmas communications worth mentioning were received since returning from the Big H. Nanette from Sherman a beautifully handwritten short note that was truly elegant & greatly appreciated. I had sent her an email maybe two that went unanswered & thoughts of the worst kind crossed my mind so it was REALLY good to hear from her.

Golden Eagle 444 checks in. GE, if you hit the shift key, 444 = $$$. Now THAT’S cool. Did you realize that? How’s bout I Knight you here GE$$$ for coding, security & your protection? If you are not ready to be a Rock Star, I get it. It isn’t for everyone. Some people can handle it, others not so much.

Mass later today, social function in the evening. No VA or Patty which is fine. Should be an early evening on the longest night this being the Winter solstice.

That’s it for now.

Next time, a dark, twisted tale from a side trip back from the Big H. A noir returno from the other side with deep hidden meaning & much provocation of thought not typical for Christmas but perhaps better suited for All Hallows eve.

Again, Bill out

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