Home at Last, Home at Last
Thank God Almighty I’m Home at last.

Began yesterday morning in Santa Fe, NM to start a day long drive & the return ride Home.
Let me say that Santa Fe was very cool, perhaps even hip & most def worthy of a return visit unlike San Fran which if it fell into the ocean or as the locals like to call it ‘the bay’ … oh well. NEXT.
The cloud is cold but already this day I have been to Mass & cleaned the hearth enough to start a fire. Creating the faux warmth first is a step in the right direction as is coffee.
So since you ARE keeping score at home, creature comforts 3, everything else to follow in order… zero.
I could certainly expand, explain & expound on any thought, idea or word in the opening paragraph but Fans, this is going to be a shortest of short entries.
Much was taken from Mass this morning but again I cannot elaborate. You need, NO MUST go for yourself AND with an open mind. LISTEN, don't just HEAR & for Christ's sake PAY ATTENTION.
I am debating precisely HOW to print, post or publish the photojournalistic account from the past trip & travels to generate the most ‘bang for the buck’ but let the record show that that ISN’T working.
The casa as stated is cold & after being vacant for five (5) or so days it needs to take on an air of being ‘lived in’ as my Dad would to say.
So, I returned safely with all paying customer passengers accounted for & with mostly good memories that will in time I am sure will become fond. A couple of funny stories to share as well.
All To Follow.
Send in the checks for the New Year (2015) membership which are due NOW while I unload Silver & unpack. Do laundry. Unwrap a few gifts Santa left. Take a hot bath. Forego or much better FORGET football. Groceries are WAY DOWN the list for some praying & fasting are in order.
Furthest down but still on the list, I MAY even have to C-L-E-A-N as much as THAT thought makes me SHUDDER.
Rhetorical question: 'If one seldom gets company, why clean?' So often ? Mom … any ideas ?
Then settle back in to a normal routine & rhythm.
EMMA !! Not NOW. Glad the books arrived in time. I hope that your little ones enjoy them.
More later. Domestic duties are calling AND ABOUND.
From the entire staff here at the cloud, Happy New Year & more later.
Bill out & chill out