This is it. Thee last day of 2014. So what you ask & where do we go from here?
Or in the words of Faithful Indian (American) sidekick, partner & companion Tonto … ‘what we do NOW?’
Well, I slept in, got up very late & took a long, hot bath as Napolean was famous for doing taking ample time to just think & reflect.
I lifted weights on Monday & my hamstrings were still extremely tight so I just soaked reflecting on my state, condition & position making plans to improve my lot in the New Year 2015. If that is even possible.
I decided a speadsheet with goals, objectives or very simply things to do with priorities, due dates for time lining & framing, summary or bullet point with an expandible comment /detail block.
I wanted to spend some time writing as there are a couple of projects in the works. While soaking in the hot water, I started with the new & improved ‘tub theater.’ Sherlock Holmes was playing. The very old B&W serial from WAY back. I have a flat screen monitor set up with the old go-to-hell dell (pc) behind & away as the dvd player. Think drive-in theater but reclining in a bath tub.
I set it up for continuous play but as is often the case it quit after one episode.
figlio di puttana
Planning on this sort of thing (It’s a dell), I had a couple of magazines as back-ups.
Writing was high on the list & now here I am now for a shortie. I thought of this title & then started to wax Edgar Allen Poe drafting a dark story of macabre twists. I canned it for later without getting far past the title. There is another EAPoe in the can that is titled AND started called For Whom the Buzzards Circle. (Don’t ask. Be PATIENT)
My main & more immediate writing focus was progress on the NM Christmas trip. I started last night or yesteday afternoon (time blending again) & was making great progress when I hit a block. I took a step back & I was somewhere I didn’t want to go with it so I just stopped working & let it go until later. Tomorrow. Which is now today.
I have all the remotes positioned here nearby as I sit & navigate in Armchair One with the following episodes of that disc of Sherlock Holmes playing for ambient noise & company. The characters, acting & stories are superb however sitting transfixed staring at the tube would NOT be acceptable. This was or is most enjoyable, totally satisfactory & appropriate. Not even American Pickers could dislodge Holmes & Watson at this point in time. Besides, this dynamic duo is NOT eating up the gigabytes of data being constantly monitored by at&t $$ conspirates. (conspiracy + pirates)
I made reading progress on each book by Kelly & Roberts this morning. Adam Smith was so far ahead of his time and on a totally different level but it is taking Roberts interpretation or dare I say ‘spin’ to make the largest part & points understandable. Prudence & justice were very well defined & a good point to end this day.
I finished section Catholics Today & the next section, which is almost like an essay and they are reading that way, is Catholicism as a Lifestyle which I am thinking is going to require more time & attention to digest then what I was having at that moment so I marked the place for picking up later.
There are black-eye peas that cold soaked overnight & a pork cutlet found after a brief search of the freezer that need tending. Finely chop the cutlet, fresh red & green jalapenos, a little onion sauteed added towards the end of the peas & good luck should abound for 2015. It should begin with a roaring fart I mean START.

I guess that’s it for now. The last cup of coffee is done or gone cold, the SH episode is ending & it is time to move to the cocina. Then pick up the next writing project to make progress on ‘Santa Fe’.
Happy New Year again & remember membership dues for 2015 are now due. Don’t make me ask or remind the reading population again. The pledge drive would IDEALLY end for good in 2015 after 3504 days.

All the Best, Bill