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Still very cold and the talking weather-head is calling for the infamous ‘wintery mix’ aka The White Death or as we would say back East in the day … snow.

Much to do once again this Saturday before Mass at 5:00.

I had a very good strategy session with my Accountant on Friday. She had some target dates from the IRS for submitting, processing the forms & deposit of refunds. I got a couple of ‘action items’ which are on my docket for this day. Gathering documents, receipts & credit card reports and then categorizing them finally packaging it all up ‘like last year.’

Also yesterday I braved the elements searching way too much & too long for a ‘elevator

bolt’ to replace a missing such part on the bed frame. I KNOW the bolt portion has a metric thread (M8-1.25) and the Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace all nada. The Ace greeter sent me to a local place with a ‘huge’ inventory so I called after getting home only to find their inventory of metric product was ‘limited.’

So I found the name on the manufacturer on the frame, looked it up on google & got the number to call on Monday morning. Captain Hindsight should have done this from the get go & saved much time. The place is in Ohio ‘in the middle of Amish country.’ Which I am happy with. I’ll call them & plead the case on Monday.

I am also looking forward to some artistic endeavors today as well. I may get squeezed by time as Patty is coming over to watch the football games. We had dinner out last night at our second choice. First choice was a gift card she got from work but when we showed up, it seems that every other such card holder was cashing in as well. We went to the bar to pass the 45-50 minute wait but the bar was packed as well so we ended up at Hank’s. A very unlikely place for dinner but not all that bad.

A band started in the honky tonk way in the back at around 9:00 & we didn’t even hear it until walking to the car on the way out.

I started converting the old testament (aka copying & pasting) onto a flash drive so those

precious old entries are not lost forever & Fans, talk about slow going. I got all of May 2008 with the full Colonial account saved to a folder & the first entry from June. This was an epic, in-depth account of the Bag Incident titled ‘24’ after the TV show. Like I could EVER forget any details from that little episode.

This also turned into a bigger time trap than I will admit to verbally.

The Monk

I have my work cut out for me on this project Fans. I now know how those old monks must have felt copying over massive ancient manuscripts. I am going to have to take small bites for a long, LONG time to get this one done.

That’s all for now. Must move along for all of the already mentioned reasons.

Stay warm & stay thirsty.

This is Bill & that’s a wrap.

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