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Monday 12 Jan 15

Taking full advantage of the cold weather head by staying close to home & inside. Like today I spent most of the day, OK, the morning anyway, pursuing two sweet employment opportunities. Got a couple of smaller secondary priorities dispatched and just touched the tax project lightly.

So I am going back to the evening report for today anyway because I was busy this morning and there is no game on tonight. The is a pretty good movie on that I am not watching glued to the tube but more for the company. Taken II or maybe it should be Taken too. IDK. I can tell Liam Neeson is doing some serious damage to the forces of evil in this one. So apparently there was a Taken I, or Taken One or Taken Won. Sorry but I missed it.

So let’s get to my beefs with the news today shall we?


The ‘White House’ said it made a mistake not sending a more higher profiled representative to the anti-terror march in Paris today and they were ‘sorry.’ What the frito is this? 'SORRY ?' That SHOULD do it ...

The first dude, aka now shortened to potus, was apparently busy. Smiling joe biden had no planned schedule for today & was ‘home.’ Probably flossing. The walker (think woodie) known as kerry was in India & Pakistan not exactly in the neighborhood but certainly could have made an exception & change of plans in the interest of global unity against terror & terrorists. One would think that one of the Bush’s MAYBE ? How about Carter or even the Clinton’s?

Who shows up representing the US? The AMBASSADOR. NBC news reader & talking head Brian Wms showed a picture of the AMBASSADOR … a blonde, dark glasses, very stylish I might add, so far back in the crowd as to be unnoticed & insignificant. Except to French hounds.

I am sure that if the first dud were axed, there would be some canned smart-ass answer (think alibi or excuse) that the hoards would most definately swallow.

This is just the sort of little thing(s) that are continuing to happen that are making us, the US, look smaller & smaller in the world’s eye and more of only a bit player on the world stage. And it is getting worse. WILL get worse.

I mean I studied political science & international studies at the university and I do NOT claim to be a SME as such but I do have a grasp of such things. We are going to continue to slip quietly (and QUICKLY) until the next election or, worse, a minor conflict breaks out & everyone will be doe-si-doeing their best Tonto to masked Man ‘What we do NOW?’

You heard it first HERE.

Tonight for supper I made a killer winter soup. Turkey broth, turkey chunks, Mexican vermicelli and an assortment of vegetables. Dried mushroom (just NUTS for texture), onion (riojo), carrot, fried cabbage & Bill’s frozen corn from last summer. Talk about a ‘comfort food’.

Today the last wooden log went up the chimney. Separating smoke from ash + some heat. Going forward ceramic logs supplied by previous owner will suffice until weather breaks & I can cut down or 'trim" some more crape myrtles.

Tomorrow is 13 so an off day. But I will leak the agenda.

Taxes, website, look for Jewelry by Bill photos & time permitting artistic endeavors. I opened an Etsy account today so I am thinking between Etsy, the new website & craigslist, Patty is itching to put a small project on that vehicle to generate revenue & sales, something should be breaking here soon.

I have Faith Fans.

Maybe I’ll change or shorten my name to Liam S.

Got a little ring to it …

L I am. Maybe NOT.

This is Bill. out

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