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Twenty-four (24) Feb 2015

WOW. Has it really been nearly a week since we sat, chatted & chewed the fat?


Well, not to make excuses, but the cloud has become Ice Station Zed. With all of the conditions being just right to generate the annual freak Texas ice storm, or as we are fond of calling it … winter, the strong have endured. I mean Fans, it has been BRUTAL at times. It hit perfectly at rush hour Monday morning early & traffic was a nightmare. Glad I didn’t have to go out into IT.

Coffee this morning has a measure of powdered hot chocolate for a decadent indulgence.

First, Patty was visiting Sunday & was STRANDED missing work yesterday along with about 500,000 other folks. She took the Island room as guest lodging requesting & being granted Emergency rates with the natural disaster.

There is a narrow window of opportunity today when things are forecasted to get above 0 (zero) and melt off a little then Wednesday again the forecast is 2-4 inches of snow. You heard correctly, the White Death. I must venture out carefully for more firewood & additional supplies while that opportunity EXISTS. I mean I could get by as a Survivalist & I still may but I think most, like Patty & the schools, they are all going in this morning or later today.

Then this morning the electricity went out for about an hour. First concern was the freeze guard on the lagoon but it came on & righted itself with no visible harm. Also, the larger of the twin palms shows signs of thermal stress but the lower leaves only & I believe that it will recover. Both trunks are wrapped which is recommended & has worked each winter thus far. The previous owner did the same thing so not too worried about that.

There is much to spin up & report but I can’t fully cover it all. The window is approaching & I must venture out for some supplies & more firewood if it can be found. We found some late Saturday, paid dearly but it was worth it. There is some left but with Round II on the horizon, taking no chances but being PRUDENT about it.

Some good news, the Fla trip report is done & proofed. Patty went over it while here, suggested changes & then blessed it. So I need to incorporate those changes later today & that will be posted & available globally.

I have a NEW PRODUCT introduction to offer smokers. Think BETTER THAN the e-cig(ar). I can’t go into too much detail right now but the prototype has been a huge success. I call it the woodie & for US $15 (Family, Inner circle, members OR coupon holders), $45 for the ROW, you will NEVER have to buy a cigar again. EVER. That’s right, for the price of one (1) mediocre Cuban cigar, you will NEVER have to buy ANOTHER cigar. After the initial product introduction of the ‘just lit’, there will be the ‘half-lit’ & the ‘half-ash’ a little later & the ‘butt’ much later.

The bwt will be painted today. Received a text from my brother that he is cutting out two (2) Black-bellied Whistling Ducks as we speak. This species should not be confused with the first dude or as he seems to like to be refered to as potus. GAWD.

I guess that’s it.

Must dash to stay warm this day.

I will sit again here with this machine when time allows but for now, cease all worrying. If all goes according to Plans, very shortly there should be photos posted for completed projects in the Gallery … signs, carvings & even jewelry by Bill AND don’t forget the latest trip report.

Can YOU wait ?

It’s times like this that it is GREAT being Bill.

Again, out.

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