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ANOTHER SNOW DAY. THE WHITE DEATH RETURNS. Indigents & insurgents awoke this morning in NoTex to cold temperatures & record snow … today’s photobomb is the gay weatherman on the telly.

Local weatherman


I just did.

This is a brief report as I am working from home … or in the garage. Power carving right after my dose of writing & spreading enlightenment.

A numerically significant day/date for sure. Inserting mathematical symbols & getting an equation makes it so. I know, I know … but March has historically been ‘my month’.

Good things just seem to happen in the month of March. Why I even hit the lottery in March once. OK, so it was the Cash 5 & only 600-some bucks. I started documenting, keeping track & detailed records of the expenses at that point in time & discovered (independently) that I lost it all back rather quickly. Then I quit playing & saving my money & now I am ahead. I mean WAY ahead. Grandpa Jack was spot on with his words of wisdom. ‘Don’t gamble.’ I don’t.

The sun has come up & it looks very pleasant outdoors in spite of the ground, roads & vegetation all covered with white sh*t. And Mom, it DOES NOT look beautiful. Most planned activites such as my personal banking are cancelled for today. I could make some phone calls but no one will likely be there to answer them.

The air compresser is filling up to do some power carving. BWTeals & starting the Black-bellied Whistling duck. I am going to abbreviate the latter (BBWD) from here on out as it is way too many keystrokes.

Coffee is welcome. The sun shining seems to have grasped the abilty to replace the faux fire this morning. Blinds are tilted to reflect light & capture passive solar heat however small.

That’s it. Perhaps more later.

3*5=15 rush hour

Today’s closing photo is this mornings rush hour. The people in the cars driving are idiots.

Titsworth, the weatherman and a name he used, says next week things will improve & we will see a warming trend to the 20’s which is C and that’s fine with me.


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