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Follow along today for this is deep. Brand new date format so wondering if YOU can follow it. Numerically significant, all multiples of three (3). 3-12-15. Get it? Think of it as a star date from an advanced civilization in a galaxy far away. This is how machines talk to each other. Class dismissed.


No, but I am up early again this day. Much to do and once again not enough time so ALL FIRED UP.


I know Honey. It was ‘O’ for otter. Ground hogs don’t know how to pray.


That’s a good point Little One. Go ask your Mother that one.


Belated Happy Birthday not mentioned but not forgotten yesterday goes out to Emma from Oz turned 49.

Received a nice note updating activities from the Land of Fair Dinkem. Birthday celeb was night out for pizza & beer at local brewhaus there. If I can get things done & together Emma, I will ship a couple of gifts this day. Look at them as both birthday and/or Easter gifts. There is a long list today.


You’re going to be really sorry you axed.

I am having lunch today with a couple of girls from the former work place. The admin staff reached out and today is the day. I would like to say that it breaks the routine OR breaks the day up nicely but I am leaning towards it as an interruption & interferring with my schedules.

I need to go visit Cal & face the music. I borrowed a study casting of a BWT bill that I dropped.

The first time a barely noticeable piece chipped from the front of the bill. Then yesterday I dropped it twice & I swear it must have landed directly on the bill both times as now there is serious and most noticeable damage with bigger chunks missing. So I must tell him & then replace it.

I have laundry going.


I was carving primary tail feathers for a mallard last night and was really focused on that task to completion. Shortly after midnight for turn in. I am pumped up about working on the two main projects of priority today the BWT & BBWD. Both progressing nicely. With one good daily effort, I could be painting each one shortly.

It is supposed to warm significantly today. I missed a bike ride yesterday which I MUST get in to day. With Lenten fastings & abstainences, my weight continues to drop so a little exercise will definitely help THAT cause.

I stopped by the two lakes off of Lake Forest yesterday to observe the ducks. I saw shovelers, a widgeon & some ring necks in a short session. Must do that again to day if possible for inspiration for they will all be heading out soon & only the dirty, dark & dull cormorants will remain.

I have showered & shaved already in advance. The bowel movement is on hold but when it arrives it will be another pause.

Patty is coming over tonight for dinner. Last night we talked about maybe open mike night at the Cadillac for pizza. Open mike is where local musical talent sits in & jams. It is usually a nice casual night out without the shoulder bumping, hip-checking crowds of the weekend.

Need to find a picture, post & keep this train on the track.

Happy Birthday Emma !!

It is getting light outside, the birds are singing & inside the smart washing machine is going gargle, whine, bang-bang. Or is it bump-bump?

This is Bill. OUT

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