3 Fourteen 2015
WHAT? You were looking for an entry yesterday ? The 13th is always a good day to take off.
I know. Call me ‘iron man’ for so many consecutives days in a row. NOT !!
This catchy title could be Ides of March EVE but that has worn a little thin. Let’s just say that it is a dreary, lazy Saturday morning with a clean slate. Or sheet of paper. I can pretty much pick & choose what I want to do from a very long list of things I could do & a list a little shorter of things that I should do.
The interior temperature is comfortable for your correspondent. Another, ANY other, would be mentioning the heat or lack of and complaining. This morning, 16 in the sleeping pod, the Great Hall it is almost 18. Purists that split degrees C to convert to F exactly are morons & too focused on the minutia. I mean WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE ?
Patty went west for the weekend. Bill’s Bus, Taxi & delivery service getting her & bags to Love Field in time, in the rain.
Stations of the Cross & the fish dinner this week at Saint Gabby’s in McK. A little different on teh Stations, marginally odd as the staff there in MHO aims too keenly on modern versus more traditional interpretations of nearly everything. Today for Saturday Mass St Michael’s. Much more traditional & comfortable sparing the reader of the details. There are lengthy lists of tradeoffs between one & the other & when you visit OR pay up your membership to the platinum or cryptinite level you WILL get more resolution but not until.
OK. I am thinking that’s about enough for today. I have some personal correspondances to attend to & the Lord has spoken to me this morning and taxes are next. Not in so many words mind you for God does such things in very subtle & even sublime ways. One must be tuned in AND paying attention ever ready to receive what He wants one to do. In fact, I may have even asked for some guidance this morning.

Promising more tomorrow so look for the annual Ides of March message. The celebration of & for all of the backstappers & back biters. Who is the patron Saint of such an activity anyway ? Food for thought …
In the days before Val P, they were simply referred to as Nogoodnicks. If you recall history, before that in the days of J Stalin, they were just taken out & shot.
Ever long for the 'good old days? I know I have ... '
ANDY ARE !! Next time ...!
Bill over/out.