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Green 18 2015

Saint Patrick’s day is now a happy memory.


To Wendy the Whiner from Wisconsin, the gaps from yesterday are todays RAW material …

So it was a beautiful day when I left off & headed out to the monthly alumni lunch. I got there three (3) minutes late but it was not a big deal. I took a seat at the end of the table with minimal fanfare but a few polite nods & smiles to those that made eye contact. Abbreviated story is that I am not fitting in with the group. This is not newsflash worthy. I mean I did a look around the table to do a quick survey or assessment and the results are not astonishing.

All are over weight (a few best cases marginally) to the majority severely hefty. Most are chatty, some I think actually like to hear themselves talking, speaking OR making NOISE. One in particular I could not help but noticed early onset alzheimers. More than one time referring back to stories beginning ‘When I was in the Army …’.

So I think I will miss a month or two. Surely I can find better things to do.

I have dismissed any thought of a personality disorder on this (my) end. I know, I know this diagnostic label of convenience was tagged once upon a time by a looney therapist I knew ages ago but then again, at one time or another I was diagnosed with EVERY such disorder known, mentioned & detailed in all the mental health articles of the moment or required reading for that sort of profession. I am fine and will continue to believe just that.

Geronimo once said it best when asked what to do with a large bunch of captives. Boff them all. Something like that.

After an early exit, I decided on an extended bike ride. It seemed like the day was largely spent or wasted & even after I got home it was so nice that staying inside was resulting in a complete & total lack of focus. On anything.

So I decided on an extended ride of one (1) hour for endurance to begin training for the HH100 in August. Mentally I prepared for the worst. For the previous two days I made shorter rides of 40 minutes, two loops on the sidewalks. Perhaps I was accelerating the program but the start must happen sometime. I donned the padded racing shorts & lubbed them up with the butt butter. Stepping into them with the fresh crème must be akin to dirty diaper. A COLD dirty diaper.

The racing jersey, shades and yes, even the helmet. I fastened the strap but it did not hold so I did the entire ride with the strap loose & dangling.

The ride was a bit taxing & an ordeal. As anticipated, the start was slow and didn’t get much better. Checking the timer at reference points on the loop, I could tell at the end of the first lap that this was going to be a true test. Anyway, the mental engagements with self checking & keeping time, rates watching traffic all helped passing the time. On the way out of the house, I further delayed (I am thining procrastinating) turning around for a water bottle.

Last year while training, the first hour didn’t demand or even require a drink. This would be an hours ride so would I need a water bottle?

Conventional wisodm said not. However, I recalled back to the days of golf. Carrying an umbrella or rain suit was good when you had it WITH YOU. Bringing it and then leaving one or the other in the car after starting did not do one much good (read ANY good) if you were out in number 7 & the rain started.

I think the lesson is something like better to take, have & not use versus not to have when needed.

Well, after lap one I am not ashamed to say I took a drink. Careful & sure hands taking a drink during the race on the roll is a critical skill. During the race, the course was literally littered with water bottles that were dropped. Once dropped in a pack of riders, forget all thoughts of picking it up. During the race I lost a fatty snack that way. The very second it slips from your grasp, it is gone & not to be retieved. Forever.

There is a life lesson there I think but I need to keep moving.

I finished the ride about what I realistically expected. Ugly but completed.

I rested up a bit doing some carving in the garage planning the rest of the days schedule.

I was the recipient of seven (7) tickets to the Allen Americans game at 7:00 & once again found no takers for free tickets. The good thing was the Americans scored a short-handed goal so the free bowl of cueso at On The Border promotion was multiplied x 7. But it gets better. In another promo drawing, my section & row got tickets for buffet dinner for two (2) at some casino (sponsor) in OK. Again, times seven (x 7). The bad news is I would not drive to Okland, to a casino for a free lunch. So I can start giving them away. They expire 30 April. My barber goes up there all the time. Before I forget, the Americans lost 4-3 in OT to the Wichita Thunder in an entertaining tilt.

So, that leaves us at today.

Must, must, must do some domestic work today for the debris field has reached new limits. Patty is coming over this evening for supper with tales I am sure from her weekend adventure to Arizona.

Perfect day for painting if I get that far. Did I mention that there would be no bike ride today? Not for lack of desite but weather. Raining again. To cut the consecutive days riding at three (3). God sometimes works in magnificent ways.

Me thinks breakfast of some sort is in order now. I mean really quickly so I can get that done & out of the way.

It is Wednesday so meatless. Me thinks again lattkes are in order. Use the rest of the bag of potatoes.

WOW. I can see I am up over the 1000 word limit. Did YOU get a bonus today or what?

Bill out.

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