24 March 2015

The mercury found 30 yesterday & Fans, it was GLORIOUS. Sunny & warm. Got a nice bike ride in, the chest pains not as severe & getting easier. I took the lawn mower for a little spin mulching leaved & knocking down some taller weeds.
I came so close to not doing a report today but I had an unscheduled & unplanned gift of free time owing only to my now exceptional organization & execution skills with a dash or dollop of luck thrown in for good measure.
I had written on one of my calendars an event at the Plano Visitors center for today. SMTA Expo was of interest so I marked it from an IEEE broadcast email received some weeks ago. So I checked the website before hand only to find out that there was NO show today. Digging deeper, I found it was 4 March, not 24. Could have been a typo in the newsletter most likely now for I do not make those kind of errors anymore.
So I wasted some time fooling with some digital audio files making a playlist & routing sound signals thru the tablet for the first time. Certainly not rocket science UNTIL the amazon ‘cloud’ gestopo raised their ugly head & said ‘no-no you don’t.’ That ended that after one song. Those SoBs are watching & don’t think they are EVER going to lose an opportunity for revenue(s).
I had a just the symbol shown only that I was going to post in leiu of other activities up to until I read the shareable daily enewsletter. March 24 IS a big day. Birthday for Harry Houdini & Steve McQueen. Legends, icons & semi-heros of note. Dying this day, Jules Verne one of the first really great science fiction writers of all time. Nothing trending worth mentioning & no social media news of merit.
Here’s a good one. From China of all places.
I was watching daytime tv, a ‘marathon’ of pirate shows/episodes. Well, it started with the Blackbeards & progressed to the current day pirates. Turns out that some modern day pirates were operating out, about & around the South China Sea terrorizing shipping & doing atrocities as in days of old. Stay with me for now it gets really good.
The Chinese government captured a pirate ship, found the port which they were sailing out of, rounded up everyone associated aka co-conspirators, accomplices etc., took the little bastards to a quick trial (aka speedy) then executed them all. How sweet is that? It gets better …
‘Piracy & reports of such activity have not reoccured in that particular area since the trial.’ Imagine that? Let’s have a BIG HAND for capital punishment peops.
So Patty comes over last night in a bad way. Not sure if it was allergies or bbs (brittle bone syndrone) but the benadryl had her about down for the count. We went out for dinner to a new place, Harry’s on the Harbor in Adriatica, the ‘trendy’ new developing section of McK. One star out of two. It was OK, on the pricey side & a thin faux ambience. Let’s face it Fans, there are better places to eat in this town.
I was thinking maybe something was amiss however this morning TWO (2) monsterous movements of the bowels confirmed this. TESTIFY !
Something did not agree.
OK. The sun has been up, shining gloriously. I caught up on reading Saints histories as I had fallen behind. Saints Cyril (of Jerusalem), Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Turibius of Mogrovejo all extremely interesting. ‘Collateral knowledge’ would be extremely valuable if others (or better, ALL) read some of these accounts IAW Matthew Kelly’s suggestion & recommendation. For example, Saint Frances of Rome, her father wanted her to marry a nobleman of the day in an arranged marriage & she want to follow God. At that time, fathers ruled. They could have children sold into slavery or even killed. Fast forward to Al Bundy & witness the emasculation of the American male.
If I had KNOWN this at the time, I could have frightened the bejesus out of my own children just when they got unruly. I did mention at one time to others that maybe primitive societies were not so primitive when they shipped infants or children down the river in a basket. FB was a basket candidate most def at timtes but of course one does not give up on children. Thick & thin, they are YOURS.
OK. Getting TOO teary.
Bill out. Enjoy the day.