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Fool’s Day 2015. ALL DAY


I know, I know. The month ‘April’ usually proceeds the title or name for this holiday on the CONVENTIONAL calendar.

Keep in mind please that we are rewriting the calendar here according to Bill. Doing it over if you will.

I ventured out yesterday, the last day of the first quarter. Yesterday was a bit more significant when I was in the work force but not much.

In my travels, which included stops at the local Goodwill store & two (2) local bead shoppes looking for what turned out to be elusive little buggers, I was worn down, overcome & exhausted by fools, idiots and, being kind, the marginally normal wandering around.

Many of these poor lost souls are granted drivers licenses solely because they can pay the auto insurance premiums. Most have not had training or proper instruction on how to drive OR failed the course or PERHAPS have forgotten what they learned. I know for a fact many are distracted putting on make-up, talking or texting on cellular devices.

To prove my point, pull up to a round about or even a four-way stop sign sometime & observe the behavior. NO ONE KNOWS WHAT TO DO !! I am shuddering to think each time for such a calamity to present itself. Spell ‘trainwreck’ …

Speaking of calamities, birthday notifications to the Lunatic on Lakewood. The queen of the Do Over turns about 60 this day. I pray for her that sometime before she leaves this earthly life that she gets it right.

REWIND: Back to yesterday.

I mean is the next generation of cars even going to be equipped with turn signals? It seems like less people are using them at all or certainly less & less. It is getting to the point where my telepathic skills are becoming quite sharp for I am finding driving defensively is now mandatory.

The algorithm is something like ‘where am I going & who or what is going to interfere with getting there’? 'From where is the next nearest collision coming from in order to avoid ?'

So I think we need a new term here class. Let’s use ‘uber-cautious’ for driving in the 21st century shall we? Don’t just watch out for the ‘other guy’ for now this is discriminatory based on gender. We MUST be ever mindful of the one (non-gender/non-discriminatory) ENTITY that possesses the most imminent collision threat. They may or may not turn unannounced without any warning, stop suddenly or God only knows what new manuever they may invent or next try.



Yesterday at Goodwill I picked up two large planters dirt cheap (sorry). One perfect for indoors, the second a nice container for the outdoor garden. Must do some outdoor gardening today.

It is early, pre-dawn, and I am in the solarium waiting for the sun to break over the horizon. I made coffee, a pot of five (5) cups & I am on #2 after drinking tea for two days. I’ll get some things done today for sure.

I need to get after my reading. I think I found my next read yesterday on the AI website. The Internet is NOT the answer by Andrew Keen. While the internet has the potential to be & do great things, there is a dark or down side without question. Look up spam, virus as applies to malware, identifty theft & the part social media plays in the entire mess. Classic case of good gone bad.

Speaking of spam, I was doing the daily purge scanning for grins & see an ad that catches my eye. From ‘My good friends’ at Review Dollars, ‘get paid to watch porn from home’ !! I mean WOW !! Such a DEAL!! Just click on the link. Really. Too good to be true you ax ?

I got to go. I have made some careful plans for the backyard jardin spaces available & it is time to execute parts of the Plan. My goal is not to grow all of my food but having some fresh herbs, salad things & select vegetables would be a huge treat when time to harvest arrives.

Experimenting too is great fun. Like I dropped some red potato eyes into one of the large half-whiskey barrels & they are now poking thru the soil. I am thinking this is very cool.

Now the outside light is very erie. It looks & may even be cloudly. Me thinks the sun should be shining already. Last night Patty said that she ‘smelled’ rain. Perhaps she was right.

Have a great day wherever you are. Rest assured it will be good here. Rain or shine.

PS: As I wrap up, it starts to rain. Patty has a nose for rain alright. Amazing. Even thunder rumbles in the far distance.

Must think now about retoolin’ … no foolin’.


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