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4 M Sunday

Greetings from the castle in the cloud on a gloomy Sunday morning. I was suspecting I had ALL DAY to putter & play around close to home this day in fact I even told S1 yesterday after the game that I was doing just that.

However after I slept, and a couple of bad dreams, NOT ‘nightmares’, upon roll-out realized that I must head back to Grapevine today for another show.


Gerry from Coppell ! Good to hear from you as always.

Short answer, yes. This weekend is a carving & woodworking show & COMPETITION. There is a vendor there that sharpens tools and sells the bits for the little dremel (think ‘dental’) tool used for texturing. While not over-flowing with cash or wealth, discretionary income for ‘business expenses & materials’ can be justified.

Also supposed to meet up with my friend Dale Smith, a fellow worker of wood and author of The Iguana Project. We spoke just before his recent trip to the Galapagos, he told me about the show and I expect to make a trip out to see him for a visit & ketchup session this coming week after the campaign and election day (sic).

Sharp tools make it SO MUCH easier to cut ones fingers. You don’t even feel it but the next thing you know it’s like ‘where did all this red stuff come from ? Oh no, I cut myself …’ and then tend to it.


HI Nancy.

A series of texts this morning revealed she went back to an ER. Pain localized in the hip she broke within the last couple of years. Spoke with her yesterday and she was in a lot of pain. A larger hospital up the river in Happy Valley so she is in the right place.


Well, the local town team won 3-2 in OT so technically and on paper it was a ‘thriller.’ IMHO it was anything but. The seats were fabulous certainly worth what we paid for them but NOT the price they were originally asking. Br12 got out light and enjoyed himself. After the game we met up with Br16 & had a short get re-acquainted session.

From there I went to Mass at the Cathedral downtown which is undergoing a major renovation.

I really enjoy attending Mass in different locations. Comparing subtle differences and variations, the art work and pieces of religious artifacts, the lights, everything. Then there are the people. All kinds, from every position & station of life. I was particularly noticing the stained glass windows high, high up above the soaring vaulted ceiling. Small pieces, very intricate designs just amazing.

Then Mass starts and it’s the same celebration as in McK, Happy Valley, BSL, Chichen-Itza or the Vatican. I just love that whole idea and the universal nature of the Church.

Anyway, I must do something about breakfast today.

I fasted Friday as part of the observance but yesterday, Saturday was NOT but I did it anyway as an optional day of fasting so some starving urchin in New Delhi or Ethiopia could enjoy a real meal.

Running out of everything fast here Fans so get ready por favor for abrupt closure.

Haven’t heard from Emma in a while and speaking of OZ, FB looked up my long-distance & well-removed niece in Adelaide on fb and actually found her. While pondering in the moment I was kind of curious and then realized my beef was with my sister, NOT her children NOR even her husband.

So I let FB ‘enlighten’ me a little on what she garnered from Molly’s fb … profile ? … postings ? IDK, and care only little. Glad she is growing up and hopefully well in spite of her mother. Hopefully her Father is guiding & directing more which should keep her on track.

I am editorializing and running on fumes.

Going into the glide pattern & getting out of here …

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