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24 June

I went to Mass yesterday without truly realizing the importance of the day. The nativity of John the Baptist. There was a nifty (read short) piece in the weekly bulletin and the deacon belabored the point with the Homily nearly repeating the article.

The better news was this deacon is leaving. He spoke way to long and made noise versus really saying anything of true merit so I will move along.

This is six (6) months until Christmas, close to the solstice and due to the small time variations year-to-year, this is all expected and acceptable.

On the new & improved calendar according to Bill, this Feast or celebration WILL REMAIN so rest easy.

What else ?

Short entry as much to accomplish this day. No training ride so a full day to rest up. The 97 K (60 m) ride yesterday was brutal but a success. I nearly turned back as a wicked storm looked like it was going to blow in but never materialized. Large, dark clouds in the distance and the wind picked up as did the traffic and I finished with some luck in fairly respectable time. Just over 4 hours for the 60 miles which holds the 15 mph rate. Very happy with that.

Next Saturday 105K (about 65M) and as bad as it sounds I am looking forward to that already for timing purposes.

Also this upcoming week, potluck supper at St Michael's Tuesday night. Gots to buy a cabbage for to make cole slaw. The PERFECT Summer salad don’t you know. I simply CANNOT go bad if left out.

And speaking of cabbage, S1 invited me over last night to watch baseball and REQUESTED a jar of Bill’s Killer sauerkraut. So I need to replace that as well. Another head of cabbage required.

Also on the survival skills front, I purchased five (5) magnificent fresh pineapples on sale from K-Roget for $0.97 EACH. The plan now is for a large batch of Bill’s Killer Pineapple conserve. One night, late for the free electricity and for sale so place you orders NOW.

Gloomy day here. Overcast and something says rain. And it is NOT the weather app.

Much art work & related projects ALL DAY so that it truly GLORIOUS as many are in progress and in process development.

Letters, correspondences & communications to address & send.

The list goes on.

At 4:00, S1 and the Bulldogs play again in McK so I will take a time-out and a beer or cocktail over to the rink watch some hockey action.

That’s all Folks.

I expect to drop off the grid for a few days so NO ALARMS por favor.

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