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18 S 18

Dia de la Concepcion. On the new calendar, THIS is a Holiday on the level with days like George Washington and Abe Lincoln birthdays in February were in the Better Days and NOT one of those newer cheap, dirty and lazy Monday holidays that have invaded and wrecked such observances.

This white-washing of history for convenience is analogous to one of the MANY ‘executive orders’ generated by Barry o’Bama.

I must confess I have not mentioned this new proclamation to my Mum. I think discretion being far superior and preferred in this case to being the wreckless scoundrel and rogue that I have on occasion been ACCUSED of but NOT ADMITTED. Besides, one does NOT get convicted on such petty charges.

To proclaim the current state of things ‘hectic’ here at the cloud would be a huge, HUGE understating of facts.

The last two (2) bike rides saw the closest of close calls for your correspondent. Sparing the details and minutia, each was too close for comfort. After the second such incident, I realized I had not said the quick prayer to Saint Christopher for a safe trip aka ride. APPARENTLY, I had a chip or two in the bank and either he or God floated me some credit. Never again. Kind of a little wake up call. Or reminder.

Yesterday it got a little warm again and I spent some recreational time rehabbing from the ride. Sunday was two (2) hours, fast and hard under as close to ideal conditions as one could wish for. The first such longest ride since the HH100.


Thanks Emma. You are welcome.

Incredible ride times. In the two hours, total km 51.2 which works out to nearly 16 mph (15.9) which I found amazing. This up from 12-12.5 only last year. I want to start tracking such performance and watch for quantum improvements. Of course 16 mph can not be maintained by this rider for 161 k but stretching that envelop is challenging, encouraging and such improvements when they occur are what one wants to see AND work towards.

This morning I attended a breakfast at Heard-Craig Center for the Arts. Phans, it was off-the-chart insanely cool, 100% gift-wrapped golden opportunity. Great exchange program with a small seaside resort artistic community in Northern Germany. Loads of history as the wealthy Family that has donated, then refurbished and finally restored old house spans two (2) WW’s. The small village and all the images and material ooze charming, quaint and stunning.

MAST committee meeting in the evening and this new committee is rapidly gaining momentum.

Some actions and activities are/will not be accomplished for this year due to timing and ‘transitional’ leadership however with the nucleus forming of quality individuals, there is much hope for next year and future show tours. You will want to stay tuned for these developments for sure.

Sandwiching church committee work has subsided somewhat for the time being. Some early minor disagreements as wrinkles smoothed out. This is the first dance with this group so everything is new and a base-line. Therefore flexibility and resilience are watch-words. Live & learn IOW.

Must, must, MUST start focusing more on completing AT LEAST ONE art project and SOME art business and marketing projects.

I am finishing up PBS/Masterpiece/BBC series III of Poldark. Losing a bit of its appeal as I peeked ahead on google but still entertaining and worth the watch. I know a few little things that are going to happen so it is easy to watch unfold and knowing the secrets certainly does not spoil things at all.

It is especially most enjoyable and relaxing without the blasted commercials AND watching whenever the mind is in the mood for such a sedentary activity. Usually now it is with something minor & trivial going in the foreground to AVOID nodding out, dozing off or taking a nano-nap. OR as some people might refer to it … a ‘mini-stroke.’

I learned there will be only five (5) seasons of the well-written and exceptional drama the last of which is about to start shooting now. I am finishing season three (3) now and season four (4) begins broadcasting also now.

A check of local PBS listings has the fourth season beginning from 25 S to 30 S. But it doesn’t matter as I am NOT that hooked OR God forbid ‘ADDICTED’ to run out and subscribe to cable or make all those EXTRA efforts to watch it NOW, ‘live’ and have to sit thru all those dreadful commercials, pledge drives and wait a week for the next episode.

With technology and a fine mind, this is manageable and without toxoplasmosis, being IN CONTROL is FAR SUPERIOR and much preferred to being CONTROLLED.

Another jam-packed day again tomorrow.

Remain focused.

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