26 S Wednesday
The thunder rolled across the water sending the 12-pound ball screaming the across the white caps, tearing and ripping thru the canvas and rigging sending splinters from the spars scattering as shrapnel in all directions to land harmlessly over the deserted main deck just ahead of the sound.
He awoke to the second report seconds later.
Jenkins had the steaming mug of bitter coffee at the ready.
5:12 am
The rains return to the cloud & McK.
Yesterday the weather troll messed up BIG TIME as it was a GORGEOUS day, totally unanticipated and the Plan rapidly altered for a short, training ride. Also, much painting accomplished.
In fact, between innings and at a break I made a run out to the Home Depot, NOT 6502 but the nearest local. Better vibe there now at that store. I could PROBABLY work there but NOT RUSHING anything. Talked to a couple of the working stiffs. Good peeps.
I got into a very productive zone applying paint which was a good thing. The three (3) spotfins are getting darn close and I think I FINALLY have the stripes of the sergeant major right. I had to remove the painted black stripes not ONCE but TWICE. That is a major labor-intensive process that is a deployed only& strictly as a last resort.
Both species need one (1) highlight color in small amounts in tiny places then DONE.
Nancy, YOU would ax.
Payne's gray and white. Mostly white, half-a-knuckle of the dark blue nearly black shade. I think it is my favorite color because when added to the white it creates entirely new colors.
DUH ...!
Thanks for axing ... asking.
Finally, I made a killer casserole with the bumper crop of chard, turkey and broth and eggplant with two-cheeses. Fresh oregano. I should be good for a couple of days in the sustenance.
Tonight fencing class starts Wednesdays for the next 5-6 weeks here in town at the Community Center.

Today is the feast of Saints Cosmas & Damian. Twin brothers, physicians. Must fill in the gaps when times allows. I found a nice video of a celebration in Cambridge, MS on vimeo.
Oh, Emma … forgot to mention in the previous lengthy personal communication … look up ‘sleep hygiene.’ It appears a WHOLE SCIENCE has developed on just sleeping. Not quite as the name implies but I am guessing it is the best they could do.
The Great State Fair of Texas is about to begin its run. The first senior citizen day is 4 O (aka 10/4) and I am ALL OVER THAT so This MAY do it for September.