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O IV 18

Happy 10-4 one & all. It’s INTERNATIONAL CB radio day good buddy so strap your ears on and hit the road. Oh, and break one-nine.

Up early trying to make major decisions for this day.

Drafting a day plan will be no easy task so I am using this vehicle once again for mental stimulation to first populate the Plan, then organizing said plan IAW highest or according to higher priorities based on my strong but sometimes corrupted personal value system.


I am thinking that I am approaching overload.

Overload being that point where some cutbacks are in order as the plate is becoming full and over-flowing. It happens when demands outweigh higher priority more pressing and urgent requirements.

The ILL (Inter-Library Loan) turned up series one (season I) of Endeavour and that has been finished. A very good series of mystery-thrillers and APL had seasons II & IV so I am working thru those now when I need background noise.

For instance this morning. Meeting late yesterday and a later dinner before returning home and dropping in disk one. Fell asleep waking to the credits and now see I missed a great deal.

Emma, you’re spot on. Worth watching and now that I am more accustomed to the pace (IOW length), I know when & how to watch. So thanks for the heads-up.

The PBS show is most likely two (2) hours as the episodes run about 1.5 hours. Accounting for 30-40 minutes of commercial interruptions. Not sure of that but only am assumption on my part. And God knows I have been wrong before. The good news is that in circumstances such as this, being ‘wrong’ really doesn’t matter one iota.


YOU are correctomundo.

I am TORN today between spending the day at the State Fair or staying put camping closer to the casa and mowing, spraying for insects and a number of the artistic endeavors. All tasks that slipped to the right due to the two (2) days spend volunteering in FW.

Skipping the Fair today leaves only two (2) more opportunities which is exactly why one (IOW me) schedules for all, each & every Sr citizen Thursday to attain such flexibility.

The lawn and spraying have reached ‘well-overdue’ while the art activities and projects are mounting, WILL CONTINUE leading up to the November show & studio tour.

Toss into the mix now practice for the annual volunteers outing at Colonial CC in FW the Monday IMMEDIATELY after the show. And I am talking the VERY NEXT DAY.

I mean I do not want to got over there and stink the place up as I did last year. Plus, on Monday I was invited to play with a good group who have one player that had to drop out. I played with them a few years ago and we are all close to the same age, interest level as well as skill level. So that could be great fun if I have my ‘A’ game or even ‘B+’. B or below certainly ‘C’ not so much and surely a

Disaster waiting to happen. So IOW SERIOUS practice and lots of it is imperative.

So you can see now hopefully exactly why my mind is a bit cluttered at the moment.

But please, Please PLEASE don’t worry or be concerned.

I GOT this.

This is my specialty, what I was trained to do (manage) and frankly what I excel at (directing) navigating life.

Doing it right the first time.

MOST of the time.

PS: After stating all of the above, be neither alarmed, concerned nor worried if I should drop off of the grid for a few days. This s/b considered ‘normal.’

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