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Rain. All week and 6 deg C. Looks like Fall is here to stay. How do you spell ‘miserable’? Visitors were a nice & welcome change so let’s ketchup with an update. It’s Monday Stormy.

ALWAYS fun to see & have the little munchkins around to make some mischief and see how much they have grown up.

RedSox evened their series with the Astros last night so that corner of life is good. Planned (tentative trip to Houston THIS week has moved from questionable to doubtful. Cost would not be prohibitive but certainly figure in to the algorithm. Had the Sox lost last night, the call would have been somewhat easier but it is complicated.


Well, there is a meeting Wednesday night for the large event at Saint Michael’s next Sunday which I find myself in a pivot position for one. Thursday night there is an artist only party for the studio tour I missed last year not being plugged into the multiple & various social media portals. Oh well he said with mock disappointment.

Sounding like the therapist again …

But I’ll let it go because it works with the ‘flow’ AND time is somewhere between crunched & squeezed.

I will wait for S1/Br12 to ‘reach out’ before breaking that news. He will have to regroup emotionally and mentally.

The crowds, traffic and threat of a terrorist attack are too great. On top of ALL that, what it the Sox lose? THAT will be much easier to digest and deal with long-distance.


Possible but same as before. The ‘glow’ and momentary enjoyment will last 15 nanoseconds longer but still vanishes without a deposit, gratuity or tip.

Sorry to the delay and gap.

Just got the visitors that have become travelers underway.

The doors were open during loading and the wind is cold. So Emma, things whould be getting comfortable warm therein Oz. BTW, you were spot on re Endeavor. Very well done and tv worth watching.

On the dance card today was the roof inspector. That was checked off at 8:37 am and done.

Next OOB (order of business) is a trip out to pick up the latest print job. The catalog & tour guide for 49-oh-0ne is ready. Well in advance of the tour. This is the third edition, revision or version and it should suffice for a while without major changes.


Everything is splendid and on schedule or ahead. This is what happens when you have an ambitious, aggressive, smart and organized committee of one. Focused and ON TARGET.


Dad !! From the ‘other side.’ Sure would like to play a quick nine with you.

Nearly all of the larger major projects are, will ro should be completed for display and hopefully & ideally for sale AND sold. Certainly not all but some would be grande.

Don’t know if I mentioned it but a second one-day show popped up at Tupps in early December .

Recall it was HUGE A couple of years ago. Cheers to hoping some magic returns. Closing out the year strong would be wonderful.

Know me as I do I will make attempts to self-inflict additional stress by starting additional projects and

try to complete. I will TRY to resist this but that is the type-personality I be. Type-S, W or Zed. JUST PICK ONE !! And stick with it.

Started reading The Cloudbuster Nine. What a story. Contemporary history at its Best. Read this book with an image in mind of today’s current ‘social injustice warriors’ and the pale and the word pukes comes to mind. Pampered prima donnas, entitles losers and not fit to put on ANY uniform because there is NO SPIRIT of either country OR team. Ignominous and despicable low-lifes.

Anyway, must move along.

FB helped set up the FireStick and now my telly has found STEROIDS. Uber-cool. Much more integrated and using more of its electronic capabilities.

SO, all thus said, flagging off. MUST make the abbreviated run out into the cold & wet to make the return more meaningful and appreciated.

It’s a good day to be alive.

An artist with projects, paints and clean sheets of paper.

AND retired being able to tell the world to F.O.


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