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Friday 18+1 O 18

Reporting back from Houston in the cloud, on the island and it is a GREAT morning to wake up and get going. However that’s EVERY day.


In depth.

You KNOW that’s why I am here so sure I can do a quick rundown or recapitulation of my recent life.

I wasn’t home ten (10) minutes and the phone went off. It was Leon and my frames are ready for pickup whenever. So we scheduled that for later this morning.

S1 and I had a great couple of days out of town on a brief Fall holiday. We saw great games IN PERSON and returned safe with good memories. The Fans were terrific. The ballpark regal and majestic.

FB, S1 and the grandies who we just saw last weekend hadn’t changed much so everyone picked up with the frivolity and fun. See image left of nextgen Sox fan OR perhaps a PLAYER.

He is NOT afraid to pick up a baseball and throw in. ANYWHERE, any time. He did find himself in ‘time-out’ a couple of times. So he will also have ‘penalty box’ exposure.

Had to forego the final trip to the State Fair yesterday. Needed to rest up and next year EVERY Thursday. Prudence dictated resting up for evening art function which was a success but I advance on myself.

The lingering wild bowel syndrome (WBS) continued. Thanks for asking. The only relief was Game 3 and now has returned growing only slightly ‘milder’ if that is possible OR even matters. I mean I have not exploded like this since the last colonoscopy which is horrible and I shudder to even recall.


It is SO BAD I fear looking at the final call prior to flush for fear, FEAR of seeing gray matter. I mean if it goes on MUCH LONGER I might be a ptsd candidate and require a therapist OR meds. Which of course will be preferred treatment.

Not painful but better stated is ‘not comfortable’ or also uncomfortable.

The arty party was good. Artists only. One possible hook-up still hanging on. TBD.

Afterwards migrated to the Cadillac for the final two innings of game 5 from Houston.

S1 was texting highlights at the party. Sox went up 1-0, then 4-0 and as was the case in #3 & 4 had to hang on and hold off the Astros who as they had done the entire series mounted a threat and fought back to get into the game. I mean it wasn’t over until Benintendi corralled that last deep fly ball (F7) for out number three (III) ON THE WARNING TRACK with runners on base.

I feel badly for the Houston Fans and even the players. But both will bounce back just as they did after that hurricane. We don’t recall hurricanes by name here at the cloud unless there is an obsession with such things as when God tried to flush that shit hole NOLA. For the record, He did not fail. It was a lot to do and He could have done it in one shot but He wanted to give survivors a sporting chance to repent.

Records indicate many FORMER inhabitants opted for a ‘life’ elsewhere.

In other news, I sold a painting, it’s getting near dawn, I learned from a fellow artist that second Saturday LAST weekend WAS postponed and so for October ONLY 2nd Saturday will be known as 3rd Saturday. I am thinking.

So I must make some sort of ‘Plan’ for attending that. Unless it rains. Which is apparently is once again AND STILL right now.

So check in again, send $$$ and as Red Skelton would always say as he closed his show, God Bless.

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