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28 O Eighteen

Sanchez get the call to go to WS (World Series), file report in most unconventionally but economical & financially responsible ways. Him on it.

So phone rings early me guessing after end of game #3 to get to game and work. Boss say him no can watch beloved Sox lose to ‘ducking fodgers.’ Him say that !!

Him say Brooklyn Dodgers so Sanchez make necessary travel arrangements and when get to Brooklyn, NY, people act like Sanchez the crazy one. One chubby gray-haired old lady says Fodgers not here any longer and moved to LA Calif.

Suddenly Sanchez realize error of his way (E1 if you are keeping score at home).

Two late too travel so him do next better thing. Find bar where game on telly.

One, to, 3 bars no game on. Then Sanchez him realize this NY, home turf of NYY and no real baseball fans here anyway.

So next bar nearly deserted so Sanchez ax barista to put game on. She berry, berry nice and Sanchez think maybe him fall in love. Maybe. Perhaps not.

Sanchez watch game, take notes, hit on barista and file report. How grande is life ?

Here game #4 summary recapitulation filed.

Pitching dual early until Fodgers #66 Puig hit HR and Brooklyn lead 4-0. Fox cameras record GREAT JOY in dugout as 66 and players hugging, hi-fiving and eberything. Sanchez notice 66 and Manfred Muchado-about-nada biggest of punks and thugs but change edit to make sound better and softer to just say ‘clowns’.

Well, Bosses beloved Red Sox have enough and RESPOND on the field WITH CLASS and where it count most with nine, (9), NINE, unanswered runs and win final score 9-6. Fodgers COLLAPSE. TOTALLY IMPLODE surfer dudes & dudettes.

Red Sox take COMMANDING 3-1 games lead and in drivers seat. Sanchez watch after game sad Blue Tsumani.

Comments start popping up on twitter but Sanchez no play in THAT sh*t storm.

President Trump quoted as ‘ripping’ and ‘criticizing’ Fodger manager David Roberts like hundreds, no THOUSANDS of other (loyal ?) ‘Fans’ of Dodger blues. Headlines so POORLY written to stir up population by warped propaganda-driven media. Turning ‘useful idiots’ into Trump haters. Sanchez see the game. NO LIKE IT either.

What, President can’t watch baseball now and make a comment like everybody else? People show true ignorance posting such comments.

What about HIM Freedom of Speech?


This barista so cute. More than cute. Sanchez find thesaurus and look up longer, more bigger words hoping they useful. Him mention to her him righter but she no really impressed. Sanchez struggle a bit.

Must get check, settle up and file report.

Sanchez wonder if she would pose and do a real selfie with Sanchez if Sanchez ax her politely.

Go to Sanchez facebook page to see if she not beautiful or no. Sanchez no no but maybe he crazy in love.

Maybe Sanchez go AWOL. File report and then drop off the radar, stay in big apple a few extra days hitting on barista.

No be looking for anything until next month. MAYBE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!

I don’t care if I ever go back …

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