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All Hallow’s eve AGAIN and where does the time go? The MOST axed question coming out of the vapors this morning is ‘Bill, will this holiday make the cut for the new calendar ?

Yes with qualifications. Expect some minor changes along the lines of improvements and just FYI a special committee has been formed to fully investigate how and to what extent those improvements can be incorporated.


Well, I am actually sorry you axed for I have other items to mention but very okay.

Halloween first of all goes away. First SUGGESTED name change is All Souls eve which is the ramp up for All Souls day which is 1 November. This will be a Holiday, versus a holiday and that means banks, post offices and such closed all churches open out of reverence and respect for those that have passed thee final exam.

The day should be observed with private ceremonies for deceased Family, friends or otherwise ‘loved ones’, lost souls everything or anything except pets.


Today as soon as things open I MUST hit the ground running. Schedules slipped yesterday and today MUST gain some ground.

Like yesterday I got squeezed out of an appointment due to availability moved to today. Today at 3:00 I have a telecom with State Representative Sanford. I sent him a brief memo with talking points to discuss. Things like property taxes, party issues (R), HOA challenges and the assessment of ‘processing and handling fees’ at DMV. Other issues as time allows such as traffic control, water conservation and repeal of the tinted windows on cars for safety factors and considerations.

Due to a open gap in the schedule, I stopped in my favorite coffee shop and yes, my favorite barista Kate was there. Not the pop from the first visit but I got to read the local paper catching up there and got my card punched probably for the last time. Kate joins the lengthy list of declining living happily ever after and probably with a list of very good reasons. As I over-analyze she is probably closer now to my GRAND-daughters age then my daughters.

My financial condition received a nice bump with the sale of a piece. No details at this time please.

With MAST (McK Art Studio Tour) in a couple of weeks and McK Creative Community Holiday bazaar, sale & show early December can other such bumps be far behind?

That said, prep work as well as projects will require some attention today as time allows.

Probably tomorrow I need to prepare a bid/quote for signs at a new business in McK on the square.

Could be big in a number of ways. Multiple complex signs, exposure on the square downtown and $600-750 right now and I know they will be in a hurry so MUST move.

I guess that’s it.

Today at 10:00 (11:00 E) is the Red Sox Championship parade in Boston. This colony of Red Sox nation is looking to barricade off Pecan Hill Road for a nano-version of the victory parade.

Excitement abounds.


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