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II I 18

New day, new month, seasonal changes and a great nights rest. Overnight came early (9:04 pm) and first call 4:08 so an abnormal length dark nap.

I have a new character, a mystery writer Mookie ‘Jack’ Bradley, that developed overnight


That’s a good thing but just and strictly a CO-incidinque.

Yesterday I made fantastique progress on the display frames. In fact they are nearly completed. I need to finish some small accessory pieces to truly make each the acceptable/deliverable ‘final showroom’ item and yes Emma I shall post a photo image.

Speaking of Emma, the ranch in OZ she reports has been sold. Praying for Emma and Sir Ron as plans for a global relo are in progress. Preliminary plan is Lubbock. See why ‘prayers’ are critical this time around?

This fun couple is considering moving from the Ozzie outback to the American outback. I ALMOST said ‘outhouse’ but we all know as New Jersey.

Also overnight a new sculptural concept arrived. This starts with a brand new element. The new element will be called lackadaisium and the molecular model is what will be sold & the deliverable.

And Mookie Bradley will ‘break’ the news story to any scientific journal that will pick it up. Perhaps Fox or CNN on a slow news day. So a patient holding pattern is in progress. You heard it first, here, today.

With his imagination and constantly evolving wit, there is ‘no tellin’’ where this will go, which direction it may take and most importantly who cares?


No, seriously.


Por favor?


Remember your manners kids.

What I mean and for instance … Will there be lackadaisium.1, .2 etc ?

And side stories. Procrastinite ?. A long-chained poly-hydro-carbon by-product of a micro-invertebrate think like newly discovered virus or bacterium. When blood concentration reach dangerous levels, strange and bizarre behavior manifests itself. Very difficult to treat AND diagnose. As much as 98% of the population could be already infected and not show any symptoms whatsoever.

But I’ll let Bradley fill in those gaps.

What else?

Oh. A new coffee protocol this morning for the new season & month.



Start with the pure Kona with chocolate and macadamia nut flavorings and a healthy splash of kamora. The ONLY way it could POSSIBLY be better would be for a partially covered island beauty to serve it pool side on a warm summer morning.

Or Katey. I have to chuckle at the Vader Ginsburg glasses she wears and what a useless prop they are. As Jack Bradley MIGHT say … ‘she could cause a multi-vehicle pileup on a deserted country road.’



I am trying to hold on to this one …

OK then. It has passed.

There was a weird dream …


To a certain extent yes but this one was in color.

I was traveling with a small group of about 10-20 people and I knew a few of my fellow travelers but not all. We were first on an island and moving to another island over a bridge. Then an aircraft carrier showed up and …


I said it was a dream, it was weird so don’t interrupt me again por favor.

Then next it was a city on the coast somewhere. I axed the name and someone told me because I wanted to return without the group and do some independent exploration.

This group had strict instructions to ‘remain together’ for this place wasn’t truly safe. Dangerous at night but with a group in daylight it was OK. Well, yours truly wondered off and got separated briefly and there was hell to pay as we prepared to leave. Then at the next stop I got more seriously apart from the group (others MIGHT say ‘lost’). It was a tight place with narrow alley ways and lots of smelly people in long robes.

One of the alleys was a dead end and that’s when I woke up. It seems like I had made some contact with a single member of the group but it all ended around this point. I just woke up I am guessing not wishing to take the crap from the group again.

Also yesterday I had a telecom with State Representative Sanford. We discussed legislation on property taxation. He is starting to hear rumblings (like mine) AGAINST HOAs so he will not be surprised if some changes pop up with that ILLEGITMATE criminal activity.

Also discussed DMV ‘handling and processing fees’, toll roads, the safety issues of tinted windows. It turns out there are laws about tinted windows but NOT enforced. So my next stop is the McKinney Chief of Police about ENFORCEMENT. This one should be good and get better.

We wrapped up with traffic control and water conservation and he took a note and gave me a website for the North Texas Water Conservation District which he said is worth looking at. My point was conservation was not promoted or emphasized enough and leaks all needed to be fixed and they simply are not wasting millions of gallons of water EVERY DAY at great costs.

And we shared a laugh at seeing city sprinklers going off during a rain storm. We have loads and lots of technology but not adequately used across all the board.

I need to fill in some gaps of the day plan.


O my gosh. For once you are correctomundo.

First of the month so some Financial planning is in order.

Must look up Mass times for today and attend.

The Day of the Dead will remain the first of the month. When it falls on a weekend, it WILL BE observed on the following Monday in reverence for all the dead people that were in one’s life and collective prayers for them that passed prematurely that maybe one didn’t know.

Those that died protecting Freedoms and Liberty in out great country.

And finally the poor bastards that died accidentally or needlessly that under normal circumstances might have made it to Heaven but ended up in nirvana, Purgatory, Browndale, Florida or some other such holding area.

Pray for their souls or long moments of silence today or on that future weekend so their souls can get to the right place and not be stuck for eternity in some God forsaken dreadful place such as Teaneck, New Jersey.

After me, 'Our Father …

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