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I was thinking this would be a good date for a war … get it? 1812 as in War of 1812. Oh, I forgot … you’re not ‘into’ history?

The pressure, stress and tension grow exponentially by the day.


Oh, I forgot. You’re not into math either. What did you major in then? Social studies as a budding socialist ?

Anyway, I have a plan, plans and planned well so what else is new?

Managing, directing and rolling making changes on the fly as needed and as required.

Yesterday I circled the bases, had a set-back or two but only minor one being not accomplishing enough from the list. When I dove home safely I was pretty much spent so additional tasking was just not there.

Overnight epost contained a report from Oz. Emma gave permission to use pearls of wisdom with or without shame which in my case presents NO PROBLEM.

While sorting out possessions for the Big Move, she was summoned by a neighbor with a medical emergency. Respecting full details for privacy and to abbreviate mercifully, 58 yom in apparent good health, no history or taking meds dropped, hung on for a period and before the second ambulance (45 minutes away) could summon the helicopter and get him to help he passed.

You simply never know when that tap on the shoulder will come and it’s time to go. Sad but everyone that is born will be checking out sometime mostly likely when you are least prepared and there is NO insurance, helmet or medication that can prevent that. There will be NO appeal(s) and then you will be gone. Hopefully to a better place.

More on that after the Holiday mess when we have time for a full lecture, discourse and discussion.

I must cut here, make some assessments and plans for a new day. THIS day.

Thursday is the pop-up Member Appreciation art sale and show at El Dorado CC here in town.

Things are coming together well and I should have the step-shelf display done in time greatly improve my table’s appearance and presentation. The CC, ANY CC is like a second, third or fourth home so quite at comfy with that and all good there. A nice Maker’s & coke and things should be a giant slalom as in downhill.

Trust me on this point. There WILL BE a time and point where things will slow down where I can fill in some gaps with great filler.

Remind me of the bust the other night at the ‘open house’ at the ‘makerspace’ in Plano.

It is another eye-opening story and the op-ed is the stuff this legend is made of.

Also, a reminder on my ‘it takes a village’ incident for a hoot and a howl.


Dashing …

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