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MMXIX Second/J 7

The numbers early 18 crib side, 20 on the upper deck and 19 (extrapolating 18.5 but half-degrees are NOT reported). Perhaps we should use conventional rounding rules and round to the EVEN number.


Rude of you but I will agree. Going forward.

Going forward.

Tomorrow a HUGE treat. Movie or tv reviews (same thing) from a new character. I will allow new staff member to introduce himself tomorrow with the next entry of his first assignment. Two or three discs from APL. I suppose I can release or divulge titles only and not steal any thunder. The Expanse, first season, London Spy and Fortitude.

That’s tomorrow right here on K-4901 the cloud here on Pecan Hill.

Up at 3:56 because the electricity is free for a couple more hours here and I have a metric TONNE of work to do.

Trying to connect with Joy on making some jewelry, Read connected last night and we are set up for a meeting Thursday to discus ties.


No I don’t. Why don’t you just SHUT UP and respect that I only have limited time so I can get on with it.

Por favor.


On going battles … calls on the roof to the villainous BCG, the insurance crooks for info only, and local roofers for intel.

Texans Credit Union on closing accounts due to their poor handling and protection (lack of) in the fraudulent cashier’s check.

The Artists & Chefs filming parties coming up late January needs some attention.

Second Saturday is next weekend. Must meet with Rob to plant seeds for A Plan. Looks like weather will be chilly so yours truly is NEITHER fond OR keen about sitting or standing around in the cold for low to zero sales. Need to generate some plans … music, food, strippers …

I really want to work on a sign project so using the router and WILL be getting dirty with ‘gross’ carving. Also some smalls with final rough carving before burning texture and surface details. Would be nice if my student called and I could demonstrate some of these techniques with him. I am kind of curious to see how much he progress he has made on his project since the first lesson.

I have to return some tools to Donnie and use the drill press. Drill & cut some holes you understand?

I should check up on Carol. She MAY have been on Holiday last week.

The Heard-Craig Center for the Arts was closed last week on extended Holiday and there are a couple odd handi-PERSON jobs Karen & I have spoken about. Hanging some track lighting and a sign.

So as you can see why I must be signing off. It is getting close to the end of the free electricity so I must, MUST decide coffee OR the new estate blend of tea.


It’s OK. I’m wrapping up.

The tea is a blend of hibiscus flowers and yerba matte for kick OR the ‘left’. FB tried the yerbe matte with coffee during the Christmas visit and noticed and like the buzz.

I think tea. I placed an order online last evening for some 100% Kona. S/B 5-7 days for delivery so that will be a treat well worth waiting for.

Sunny and high of 22 today so a long bike ride would be grande. Only one more day of this little ‘break of Spring’ and the colder more seasonal weather returns and by Wednesday riding will be out of the question. Must curb and curtail the inching up of my BMI.

If you can’t see or understand why I am signing off, contact your therapist sometime today.

aloha amigos

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