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Actually slept in this morning by my current and most recent of standards of living. That would be 4:44 and of course there are alibis, reasons and an excuse for such an action.

For it isn’t TRULY an action however but a REACTION to another event of factor.


Getting close but a little more learned and think actually scholarly versus how he self-presented near the end on his 60 minute gig.

This is how Rooney MIGHT have started and now keep in mind I DO have things to do today. More on that later. Ready ?

‘Did you ever notice how things always seem to happen for a reason?’

Then things slide downhill in a hurry.

'I know I have ...'

Anyway, none other than Sir Isaac Newton the physicist was first to note in his journal that for every action there is an opposite and equal REACTION. Class dismissed on that one as it is both deep and heavy as LAWS of physics are EXTREMELY difficult to IMPOSSIBLE refute or prove incorrect.

Anyway SQUARED, must move along.


Stop it.

Received the briefest crypto msg to date from Down unda. Emma mentions ‘d-day’ arriving so here is what I extrapolate from that. Her and Sir Ron are physically leaving the homestead property for temporary quarters until time to depart the Ozzie outback for the American outback counterpart.

Apparently when one ‘expatriates’ AND/or emigrates LEGALLY there are countless admin duties that are enough to keep the hoi polloi in place and from moving all the time anywhere and everywhere.

I expect an update from Emma when and if they land and find a connection to log on but certainly NOT soon.

Today’s image is from the package received US post today of an order place online from the Islands.

First sample is the coconut chocolate flavored coffee.



But moving along.

Watching Breaking Bad and nearing the end of season 4. Up early to repeat watch episode 13 as I fell asleep watching same last night APPARENTLY late. I HAD to see where & how Walt got rid of Gus.

Talk about a happy ending.

Back to point.

I managed to ‘sleep in’ because there were clean sheets and night cloths. I had that recurring dream of the Colonial and it was naturally surreal. Going all over the place, delays and excruciating events that only make sense in a dream.

So 4:44 am & I am up.

Much to do this day again. Busy yesterday and as always things MUST begin with some sort of a plan. I have an event on the calendar for tonight at a church, Saint Ann’s which is farther away than I would care to venture on a Friday evening even and especially NOW chasing tail.




Still no.

A great day yesterday. A number of really nice to great things happened that I would care to elaborate on.

First I had a very good meeting on the TLT proposal with Reed. After that meeting ended I stopped to check in on Robin. Some pictures for the upcoming article and I left with a new pair of jeans (genes ?). I get home and there is the package of coffee from the Islands. I got a return email from Miguel AND a simply beautiful New Year’s greeting card from Shell via USPostal. All and each pleasant enough surprises cause to celebrate.

I started to power carve in the garage and before I knew it it was past 6:00 and the stars game had started on the radio. I turned that on first in the garage to listen until the first intermission when I went

inside and cleaned up for supper.

Stars were playing the fliers in Philly and supper was reheat/recon(stituted) mushroom soup.


You have NO IDEA.

I used and added four (4) different types of fungi in addition to the tiny nano-pieces that were in the condensed stock I started with. The biggest surprise was the new dried ‘fine mountain black sheeps ear’. Not to worry because thankfully the Chinese label was translated and there are a great number of other ‘common’ names for this particular mushroom. Again the label was translated well but not entirely clearly.


Yeah. I placed about half a cup into a small bowl and covered with water and walked away waiting for them to fluff up.

I checked back, the water was GONE so I added more and went about my business.

Checking back again the water was gone but now the bowl was OVERFLOWING with the dark mushroom tops.

The final concoction was out of this world. It was like I found a new friend. I expect to revisit my friend mushroom soup as now the combinations and variations approach astronomical.

OK. As is usually the case, sometimes as quickly as I start I as suddenly flame out.

This is Bill here now FLAMED OUT.

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