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After some gorgeous unseasonably mild and pleasant weather, Old Man Winter has slipped in thru the back door. Wondering exactly WHY Winter isn’t referred to Old Beitch Winter? I think I HAVE heard ‘Winter is a bitch’.

Moving along BRISKLY as the switchboard is LIGHTING UP …

Sparklers from the news … I only wish I had the imagination to make this up …

Idiot alert. These type of articles are GREAT to just read the COMMENTS on first and the actual article later on * - IF NECESSARY.

And this sad story suddenly but not entirely surprises the door closing on travel adventures and explorations to Mexico. This is sad news however I am beginning TODAY verifying and investigate the seriousness of this on tourism to my all-time very fav area currently to Holiday.

I say sad and not surprised because on the last two trips to Yucatan & QR on behalf of my traveling companions I looked hard and seriously at safety and security. I found the violence was confined to the border zones and involved Nationals and not foreign visitors least of all Americans. We reasoned correctly that we would be safe and had memorable travels with uneventful misadventures.

This story changes that algorithm completely and unfortunately catastrophically. At least for the short-term and foreseeable future anyway. And keep in mind things could change as more facts and details come to the front.

However at this moment in time, the Mexican embassy on Pecan Hill is advising AGAINST travel. During this time other travel and vacation destinations are being lightly explored. Think ‘information’ gathering.

As a direct result of Christmas card mailing, I heard from my good friend Miguel who traveled to two (2) very interesting locations over the Holiday on a vacation. Small remote villages however the area is closer to the border so caution is already a major concern. Since funding is not favorable at the moment anyway, placing ‘travel plans’ in the parking lot at least temporarily is prudent for the time being unless and until resources become available.

And as it stands, at this moment there is no single place leaping out as a ‘must see’ or even ‘wanna see’. The staycation at Bill’s Luxury Mediterranean Senior UNassisted Living Well Center in McK will be extended to 'indefinitely.'

As one of the things Grandpa Jack told me when I was very young, words that still resonate with true wisdom … quoting here righteously ‘Save your money.’

I wonder about Grandpa Jack from time to time and amuse myself where his soul ended up.

In his later days when I was not working and would work as his temporary care giver numero uno (think ‘baby-sitting’) while my Mom took Pep to the oncologist, he confided to me over a beer that I gave him which I found out MUCH later he wasn’t supposed to have, he was going to hell.

Good times. About half-way thru the bottle he would start singing, we’d laugh at the world as say stupid things.

Something to do with HIS meds.

I don’t really know about his soul. He told me another story how as a young lad himself the local priest pissed him off and he told the priest he was never going back and he could 'keep his GD church.'

He COULD HAVE made it to Heaven by way of a loophole or last-minute Confession or forgiveness but I hesitate to make a wager on either of those ways.

He also told me never to gamble which to this day I find difficult to do and I have absolutely no interest.

I only assume he is resting in Peace where ever he ended up.

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