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J 15 19

OK class now PAY ATTENTION. Today's lesson will be brief, very important and this WILL be on the test Friday AND BOTH the Mid-term AND the Final exam. You NEED to understand this to advance as it is of importance to pass to the next grade.

Savvy ?


Look Renee, if I told you once how about a THOUSAND TIMES … Just walk away.

From actual news headlines … OK. So it’s yahoo, the tabloid of the internet.

PROOF the aliens are HERE … a Science lesson

I sent an urgent email to Robert Muellar at the FBI to make sure Scully & Mulder were on this one. It sounds sure sounds like an X-file to your writer.

An economics lesson …

Capitalism is freely giving your money in exchange for something of value. Socialism is taking your money against your will, giving it to someone else and shoving something down your throat that you never asked for. Of course 21st Century socialism has been and IS BEING sugar coated so as to make it easier to swallow. The masses, the herd and hordes of the unanointed have had what is left of their little minds whitewashed, starched, pressed, stapled, folded and mutilated to the point where they all 1) do NOT want to work, 2) very vocally proclaim they DESERVE ‘free’ (________________) fill in the blank … ‘health insurance’, education, room, board, clothing and just keep adding to the list. Free movie tickets.

They want to be like EVERYBODY ELSE and so they ALL play along nicely on the latest and greatest ‘trending’ social media platform.

How about this?


Dis-missed as Colonel Klink would say.


Hi Emma. A voice of reason and sanity. Hoping your temporary quarters during the move are to your liking and comfy.

These have been challenging times on multiple fronts. Of course winter is NOT helping. Confined indoors and the inability for extended serious exercise effects one’s mental and psychological well-being after a while. Cabin fever is setting in early this year.

Couple this with the on-going battles raging like the roof, the stock market hiccups, the fraudulent cashier’s check fiasco all serve to wear down ones mental reserves.

Think angst, anxiety but not so far as ‘depression’. Melancholy perhaps. But NO MEDS !! Too easy, besides possible the side effects would ruin ANY ‘perceived’ benefit. Plus I KNOW from experience this is NORMAL (?) and should pass quickly.

I did something yesterday I had never done before.


Very funny.

Yes a ‘FIRST’. You idiot. You're a moron and a mormon.

I baked cookies.

The event was the monthly potluck supper for the McK Creative Community. I used my new Formula One kitchen-aide mixer or as I affectionately call it ‘black beauty.’

The coconut, lime and almond cookies were well-received and Mom wants the process I used. She got an assist for a ‘substitute’ item to use margarine in place of shortening. I had to call her and when I read that as the first ingredient she fired back the answer without me even axing.

She said ‘Is that all?’ She seemed miffed and annoyed that I bothered her.


As is usually the case, once I started there were trials and tests on my will, tribulations of course and only perseverance carried the day.

Like I had to make three, THREE (3 !!) stops BEFORE finding the last key ingredient coconut crème INSTANT pudding. The recipe called for lime and I made a note that only one (1) lime was necessary. The juice from the one limon AFTER zesting 100%. I am going to do a full list of comments, pointers, tips and lessons learned like my Mom needs such pointers making cookies.

If it pisses her off or she finds them amusing it will be a victory either way.

My role in her care and well-being is keeping her on her toes remotely.

This is Bill, dozing and snoozing at the APL staying out of the cold … out.

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