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20 J 19

A GLORIOUS Sunday morning. Sort of … of sorts. The sun shines brilliantly reflecting and creating diamonds on the surface of the cement pond. From my vantage point, the blindness is temporary.

Looks deceive and the spin is deceptive as well for it is bitter cold outdoors.

So cold yesterday that with the late afternoon darkness, Mass was rescheduled for Sunday morning early. The cold was constant, but more acceptable NOT spinning it up to say ‘pleasant’ only rather PREFERRED. Mass MUST be checked off the to-do list as a priority so the day can go forth with the Soul fortified to some extent.

Interesting title for the entry with ‘20’ coming before ‘19’ with the month symbol separating.

So I think the sunshine is a tonic of sorts. The new coffee maker arrived last Thursday as repeatedly warned by all of my ‘friends’ at amazon. With the large stockpile of the Kona coffee (10% blend is a setback of sorts) I should be set with THAT commodity for a while.

The new (and improved) version from Hamilton Beach is slightly different but basically the same and simplest IOW LEAST expensive such machine I could find. It is programmable, has a clock and a few other features 1 or 2 new ones but similar enough and easy to figure out from the previous model so reading the manual was not necessary right out of the box.

It was at this time in another place long ago when I would be playing golf. The Sunday morning foursome is missed occasionally as well as the good times with the boys. Then again Saturday night hockey game as recollected fondly.

Least I become overcome lamenting the past, looking forward improves the mindset.

I reviewed the calendar before pounding on the keyboard here to check what’s coming up first and needs preps and addressing first as priorities. Got some things going and next is garage time.

After Mass I left Silver out to create space in Studio uno. More room to wander around, organize and clean up.

Next item is finish up the writing part and line up projects to continue building the inventory.


NIX. Too soon. We have a block on the calendar set for an event next week. She is an independent lady with a very full life AND schedule as well. I will not be a pest so TAKE A LESSON here and you don’t BE ONE EITHER with this.

I must water all of the plants, change up some little minor things around the cell block to create or improve some small elements of homieness.

Things of that nature.

Carol called. I scolded her right away for going AWOL then she told me about a charitable function here in McK coming up called ‘Empty Bowls’. It sounded interesting but I have a conflict with commitment on Tuesday night. She will go and make a report on further details. There are follow-ups next Saturday AND Sunday that I can attend so I am thinking this could work.

OK then. This is clearly Bill really, REALLY CHILLING out this morning. Not allegorical but exaggeration.


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