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An ODD day so speaking of numbers, relative to cold, -3 outside, 11 cribside, 12 upperdeck and 13 on the lower deck. The wind blows colder but the sun shines.

The kona coffee (10% blend) is hot, the venture out will be to the mail box one (1) time for pickup and I am thinking of a fire.


Well you were NOT listening carefully. Go back and look as I SAID I was running LOW.

Big diff.

I stopped over to see Donnie and he had a large pile of oak, pecan and walnut so I followed his orders and took some. A nice small fire in the fireplace closely watched would warm the soul and be most welcomed.

So another day in Paradise passing along and living a dream.

Finished a book and started a new one immediately.



The Dante Chamber by Matthew Pearl was excellent. Truly a gifted, talented and incredible writer. Couple a great story, well-developed characters that move along at a marvelous pace and you arrive at one of those books you hate to see end or at least it ends too soon.

So I finished that one and started Black Dog. Thomas Laird has a couple under his belt and is not in the same class as Matthew Pearl. It is ALMOST like comparing fine literature to something by Mickey Spillane.


No I am not saying that. It is like I needed something to 'cleanse the palate' in a sense so to speak. And I found it. Anyway ...

I bought Black Dog at the public library in Bay St Louis, MS last spring while on Easter Holiday for $.50 or $1.00. They were cleaning out and discarding inventory I am certain.

I saw it on the shelf here of UNREADS and I decided to move it. I was thinking a biography next might be good but next time. Walt I THINK has a US Grant bio he was reading that he said was good. I am sure he would loan it. Haven't seen or spoken to him in a while.

Anyway, that’s where I am at this morning.

Staying warm and amusing myself with what all the tools and projects I have here at my disposal.

Short entry, call it ‘lite’ or low cal. You CAN call it gluten-free or even non-GMO, reduced salt, sugar or substance for that matter.

YOU can chill out.

Maybe NEXT time.

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