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As I got to the station on this Monday morning, the train was pulling out. So I missed it and stuck once again in Procrastination station struggling to sort things out.

Do I call in sick and play MY VERISON of Ferris Beuller’s day off? Or phone in explaining with lies I overslept and will be in later? Maybe I just quit. Take all of the money in all my accounts and head out to points unknown. That won’t work. Too many logistics issues.

But seriously Folks, time has been running thru the hourglass here. I see the season changing before my eyes and there is or are PLENTY of important things to do OR better stated NEED to be DONE.

So I continue the fine tuning and polishing of my life-style with small to nano-changes.

Like this morning earlier.

I was playing with the ‘smart phone’ and think, THINK I may have found something ‘significant.’



I know. The very act of ‘thinking’ of late has generated problems, pains in various anatomical regions

and it ALL compounds so there. I SAID it so YOU didn’t have to.

I found an ‘app’ that plays old movies. Free. And the selection is huge as in HUGE. I found silent movie ‘classics’ right up to the 70’s. You, in this case ‘me’ makes a list of movies to watch just like an audio playlist and watch them. I recognize some of the ‘stars’ from the old radio programs so this looks like it might fit.


That’s the nickel question. Again I THINK I have everything to do it. I have the big ‘compatible’ monitor screen tv and a chromecast ‘stick’. I also have a ‘firestick’ gifted that from my limited knowledge & experience of such things I have not used but could would and SHOULD work hopefully by tethering and using the phone as a hotspot.

In ‘theory’ I get it but hooking it up is going to be a challenge and then finding the time to sit in front of the bube toob I have a hard time with.

One good-to-great feature I learned about was that one (again me) could, get this … ‘switch off the ads.’

IF this is true, this makes ‘free’ really FREE.

I went to the settings for the ‘app’, and actually FOUND the said switch and turned the ad switch to ‘off.’

Does any of this sound too good to be true to you?

I mean the original movies, with short bios of the awards won by the picture(s), actors and all brief quick reads. Very cool.

As you can probably tell I am a little excited by this.

So here is the problem.

Numbers today or this morning at wakeup. Cribside 14, 15 upper deck and 16 on the lower. The sunrise has yielded to partly cloudy and outside today it will not reach 16 but close enough. I was out yesterday and it is tolerable and not truly uncomfortable for the Acclimated.



Acclimators are a sub-species of Humans that push the levels of comfort as they relate to temperature ranges and ambient extremes.

O. I C.

‘Higher’ subspecies call them frugal and sometimes ‘crazy’, mildly retard now only rarely can they get away with THAT term or just plain crazy. These self-proclaimed ‘higher’ classes are very fond of labels and pigeon-holing others for their own internal processing AND to overcome their own sense(s) or insecurity.

These ‘Lofties’ are pretty rampant everywhere. If they have a larger house or newer car, more money in the bank OR ANYTHING, you should get the picture, they can then look down on you and it makes them ‘feel good’ but they seldom to rarely to NEVER come right out and say it.

Must move along Fans. Send in you own ‘Lofty’ stories and we’ll have a prize for the best one(s) published.

I heard from Walt over the w/e. He is in CA(lif) and returning to nirvana late Monday and we are going to meet up on Tuesday. I have a socket I borrowed to return, exchange some reading material and I am in need of some binoculars or field glasses.

Yesterday I went out late and looked at the ducks wintering here in McK ponds.


I am SO GLAD you axed.

Many mallards of course but even those are fun to watch when you know that they mate for life and watching the pairs swim along and around leisurely is cause for reflection. The hen (she, Mrs) drinks and preens while he has his head up and on high alert as they casually float. They switch roles but only briefly. I figure he MUST be thirsty, in need of a small snack or have a wicked itch near his wing.

Also noticed American widgeons and Northern shovelers feeding in the shallows near the edge.

The point here as I dash towards closure is my current field glasses as in sad shape. Only one side works as it appears they have dropped one too many times and the optics are done. I am going to put them in the 2019 budget and make the purchase with Walt’s assistance. Recall Walt & Maggie are avid birders and do such product research regularly and routinely so he is truly a subject matter experts.

Other goings-on … artistic meetings this week, a fun night out with Kjell on Thursday for McK filming of artistsandchefs series. The TLT project has reportable progress. I found a lady nearby that had a pattern and has actually made ties. I met with here on Saturday at APL and she assured me the sample to wear Thursday WILL be ready AND at a reasonable price. While doing this search, I located two (2) other local ladies that have and CAN make men’s shirts. Robin has patterns AND knows where to get them so now all I need to do is find a cool pattern, get them material and start taking orders.

I have discovered that the high cost to purchase such items as an individual is the middle-men or middle-PEOPLE to be more correct and accurate. Markups and such are simply parasitic greed and you know what?

When I get one or two made up and start taking orders I am going to split the difference with the maker and GROW the business that way.

I could probably go on and on and on but I need to get out the planting chart and see what I can get ready to plant next here in the les jardins du nuage. It’s been a LONG winter and I am sure all of the little varmint insects are hungry by now.

Next time, clues, results and activities to completion.

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