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Monday Monday. Another evening entry as the Earl is fed, cleaned up and relaxing listening to the Stars v AZ Coyotes from downtown. Tonight is Alexander Radulov bobblehead night and I wish I was there … kind of.

Stars down 2-1 so anything can happen.

Beautiful day here today and it was over much too quickly. Very warm and sunny they SAY 27 but it truly didn’t matter.

I spent about an hour doing 2018 taxes, the 2019 budget and other financial planning before going to US Rep Van Taylor’s new office to drop off a letter to the congressman. One of his staff, Gabby had a distracting dress on. It was a manly effort to keep from glancing at the cleavage and I was wondering why women do that AND do they realize WHAT they are doing AND what are they TRYING to accomplish AND are their parents proud?

I learned a little something like the congressman visits THAT office about once a week. So an actual meeting might be in the cards.


I voiced some concerns that will only be available on the subscription side.

HEY !!

What? I need the revenue.

The 1099’s rolled in today and I MAY BE hurting this year. I MAY have to stroke Lisa big time for the smallest refund. Such a shame as I was THINKING maybe or PERHAPS I could do some travelling this year or next while still young enough to do so without liquidating property investments.

I got in a nice bike ride as well and feel MUCH better. More lively and peppier. Nice again tomorrow but not quite so warm.

At the end I rode by Richard’s house and when the timer went off I circled back and had a beer with him. It was nice and cold and we caught up. He is selling out and moving to NC with his son. His horrible luck continues and his mood is droopy.

He’s got a new gf and from the brief description sounds like another trainwreck MAY be on the horizon.

I mentioned I had lowered my standards to only one REQUIREMENT.


Sure. Easy .


This is Bill and out until tomorrow.

Another full day. I located a place local where I can take my five new (old) cast iron utenils and have them sand-blasted. I told the guy I ran out of elbow grease which is the truth. The corrosion too much for hand-sanding and I don’t have enough sandpaper and steel wool to clean them up.

The new phone arrived today. I called t-mobile and Luis isn’t working in the morning this week until Thursday and Friday. I can wait THAT long.

The game is now tied in the third and I hope I can last.

On to posting.

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