14 F 19
Greetings Fans and welcome to yet another installment of 50 shades of Bill. In this episode, we’ll hit on the calendar, weather, plans and activity highlights. Shall we …?
The wind rattled the windows most of the night and continues during daylight. It was kind of funny and the sounds of the night became another form of game. I would wake in a start to some strange noise then quickly sort out what it was then I could fall back to sleep. The ‘neighbors’ gate kept snapping open and shut. That was determined NOT to be a gunshot.
The numbers were more benign and comfortable this morning. Actually GAINED a degree overnight. It was 14, 15 and 17 crib, upper and lower deck, respectively. Not exactly shower comfy but this is an off day for getting wet.
Two things regarding the calendar. Of course you realize we are half-way thru black history month (?). I am wondering why there is one (1) month set aside for this OR why there is not a white history month. When will black heroes be recognized throughout the year? I guess that’s the next step.
EMMA !!! The Daily Double! I just KNEW you would ax.
Short answer is it stays with some modifications.
Emma, be PATIENT. You’re not working WITH me.

The observed holiday becomes known as SAINT Valentine’s day and young students will be taught his life and history. False Gods, legends, myths and superstitions will be taught later as lectures in the same course. Then things get cloudy and I need some feedback & inputs going forward.
My first thought was make it a ‘lovers weekend’.
Follow me on this. Pass judgment after you can digest the entire mess.
The third (or second) weekend of February OR perhaps the weekend closest to the 14th, on Friday and Friday night She caters and pampers the King. Saturday night the King becomes humble servant to the Queen (or Princess … whatev). They can plan big, huge, large or small, tiny time. By Sunday anything goes. Call it a free-for-all, a love-in or again whatev. Minor details all TBD.
Maybe, just maybe the entire month of F (Feb) is Red. (?). All weeks are four (4) working days so longer weekends. Hey, it’s a short month anyway, middle of the winter. Send in your memberships with your vote. Vote all you want.
Yesterday I picked up the five (5) newest or latest cast iron utensils from sandblast. They ALL look brand new and it is amazing and awesome. Now I am ready to start seasoning them properly. I am stoked about this project. I even added a cool marketing twist and plan to get 2-3 more this weekend and set them out on my booth/table at the next show or Farmer’s market.
Also on the radar, pineapples hit $0.98 and I bought six (6). They are ripening nicely and I know I read that they don’t ripen after picking but another case of an ‘expert’ opinion being disputable. Also pumped about the pineapple jams and conserves in the near-term. This time I KNOW what to expect and it should be MUCH easier and less stressful.
PLUS, more pineapple plants to distribute!!
Funny you should ax. I called her last night to check availability and the weekend dance card but could only leave a message.
So this morning the replacement phone goes off and when I get around to checking she sent a electric card/note/emoticon which I found sweet. Kjell does not readily express with words but does possess latent artistic talents that do more than shine thru at times, they BLAZE thru and are staggering.
Special Ed checked in as well. NOT with HVD wishes. We ARE NOT that kind of friends. Negotiating lunch next week.
OK. Finally, the VoyageDallas magazine with article on your correspondent was posted/published yesterday. Here’s the link. I was cautiously pessimistic and had expectations set on low but was knocked over the way it turned out.