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XVI F 19

Sixteen F, out of ‘f’ function-keys on this keyboard AND with the return of cold and lack of a charged battery, starting up this morning is slow.

Couple that with this being a Saturday AND planned activities time-sensitive, it is either … (drum roll por favor) … perfect storm OR recipe for disaster.


I’d be happy to but I need to get after it so NO MORE INTERRUPTIONS POR FAVOR. (!)

I started this account earlier this morning and time became a limiting issue due to the slow start up and low battery keeping the software from loading up quickly. That’s what I am blaming it on and sticking to it.

So I got up & out in good shape simply because I wanted to get home and to work, start a fire and begin working.

Mass at 5, Stars road trip continues in Carolina in the evening and those details will complete this report.

Oh, lest I forget. Had brunch with Kjell Friday morning. Delightful time. She had lunch and I had breakfast. She is still in the workforce and on a schedule but that’s another story. We exchanged some small gifts and once again a charming and enchanting event.

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