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XXII February 2019

I just happened to glance at a calendar and realized it was Friday again. Or as we well-heeled travelers on the other side well know and refer to it, EVERYDAY. Like the Dandy W’s song goes, EVERYDAY s/b a Holiday.

Image issues this day however no contest really. I mean there is an F-22 fighter but George W wins out this being his birthday. I was just self-amusing for a moment that Punxsutawney Phil is getting more press these days then the first US President.


Numbers are crib side 11, upper deck 13 and lower deck in at 14. Consistent to pattern. Still dark but it rained so no real rush.

I got up & turned on the heat and the cloud is warming up for today I must venture out therefore bathing is in order. More accurately a shower.

One thing I don’t miss at all about being on the street and homeless is taking that hot shower especially in the winter when it is coldish.

Because it is the weekend and there are friends and events, I MUST maneuver, manipulate and manufacture time to schedule.


Certainly. That’s why I am here.

I found myself in a very uncomfortable position with a married woman whom shall remain nameless.

OH NO !!

Emma? Mom??

NOT like that. Sit tight por favor.

I’ll call her hot wire. Let’s go with just the wire …

Anyway, I mentioned this show in Grapevine at a show some months ago and she wanted to come along. Right away an alarm goes off.

‘Sure’ he said skeptically trying in vain to show faux sincerity. He thought he failed.

Anyway, it’s this weekend. So doing the right thing honoring my Word, I sent her a quick email yesterday and held my breath.

This morning she flashes back the reply that states she has things going on which is awesome. Wire is homeschooling three (3) teenagers and has her side business so yeah, easily and understandably overcome by events with hands full. At any rate it TRULY worked for me. Thank you God.

So I pull in my trip to Friday morning. Few attendees, less traffic and get it done and out of the way.

Kennedy is in town and he is only available Sunday so kind of leaving that open. He is in from West coast for work and half-way thru a two (2) week stint.

Kjell is tied up with baby-sitting or a baby shower perhaps both. It doesn't matter if I was paying attention or not in this case. Not yet anyway. Kind of thinking if the tied up thing might be a weekend adventure to share. Sometime. In the future. We do have theater tickets for next Saturday night so not skunked. Yet. Totally. Sparkles on the horizon

Special Ed backed out of lunch Mittwoch so rescheduling that for this week. He CLAIMED a repair PERSON was called to repair a heater. In the Winter, that IS a priority and solid alibi. Besides, there is a high strategic value to our next meeting so I need to draft and edit a tactical bullet list of subjects and talking points.

So on Wednesday I had lunch instead at a new place here in McK recommended by Robin. Koji sushi. A great story for NEXT time so remind me. But briefly, it was after 1:00, the tide of working stiffs were out and the REPLAY of the Stars v Nashville was on telly at the bar which is where I gravitated and supremely took the prime seat. Anyway, it was a two hour lunch, saki (x2) and a 'must' return.

So as you can clearly and plainly see, my fecal material is piled up in the most orderly fashion.

This is W (that’s NOT DUB-ya but DOUBLE-you) … out.

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