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Twenty-four F 2019

Happy Sunday but of course as mentioned previously, they all run together. It doesn’t seem to matter but I am thinking maybe it’s just Winter hibernation syndrome metaphorically speaking the equivalent to dog days of summer. IOW, cabin fever.

Some breaking developments this day and we will get to those all in good time.

Friday there was the bead, gem, jewelry and mineral show in Grapevine. I took a flier out early and arrived shortly after the show opened. The plan was to do a recon of two (2) hours, low budget at least, until or unless I found something I absolutely could not live without. Under the correct set of circumstances, THINK ‘protocol(s)’, and return before closing Sunday for either another longer recon or larger buying spree.

Having started the Bead Inventory & Cataloging Project, AND continuing to work on it, I realize AND understand that I have a sufficient number and variety of materials to keep me going for a spell. This show rotates and returns every three (3) months so I got a schedule so I can go back in May on that weekend if I truly need to by then.

Today, closer to home and WORKING is on the docket. However ...


I got collared by a salesperson named Kimberly selling ‘Healthy fresh’ pre-packages meals or some such nonsense, she explained a ‘green’ alternative to ‘Blue Apron’ service. Oh yes, ‘On steroids’.

‘Do you cook Bill?’


‘Every night?’


‘For how many?’

She was good.


‘Alright then … ‘ and she went on and I shall stop as I had reached my limit and just about stopped listening at this point.

There goes the laundry alarm. Must abbreviate and press on.

I bought a couple of smallish trinkets that in another time, another place I COULD HAVE traded Native American for Manhattan island.

A couple of things for Kjell if the opportunity presents itself. She is so easy to gift for at this stage anyway. I KNOW this phenomenon CHANGES but rolling with it NOW.

I made a scheduled stop on the return leg at APL to drop off the latest ‘dog’ dvds. Three pitiful choices as described and one barely watchable.


For the record, Barely. Stranger Things the Netflix original was tolerable. And I do mean ‘barely’. I finished it up Friday night late as I am recalling I mentioned. If YOU can IMAGINE a ‘thriller’ based on kids with a ‘happy, feel good ending', this one MIGHT be for you. Too much going on for my liking.

I also looked for Charade at APL. They didn’t have it but the ace & cracker jack APL librarian located one (1) copy at McK Hall library. I was going up that way and I could stop and see Robin and talk about the table, tie and shirt projects.

All of which I did touching ALL the bases.

At MPL, I looked at correct the shelf for Charade, no could find, and axed the librarian. To my surprise, she looked it up and informed me that it had been ‘lost’. That is it was due back in August and not heard from since. She was ‘on it’ or at least personally aware and informed me someone else had axed about it so they would be putting a ‘search’ on it. This is where someone is assigned to actually track it down and either hang or firing squad the ‘responsible’ or Irresponsible party.

Hey, it worked for me.

Elsewhere, I must cut this off now and abruptly. The drier buzzer is calling, I learned that the weekend of 12-14 April I will have three, THREE (3) shows to do as I continue to rise to rock star status in the local Art world.

I was NOT going to do McK biggie Arts in Bloom (12-14 A) due to the cost but Donnie told me the Heard-Craig had space and was looking for a ‘few, cheap locals’ to set up there so I made a stop to see Karen Z at the H-C. She confirmed it so I am in for NADA. Very nice. That Saturday is 2nd Saturday so I am thinking Robin MIGHT allow a small table inside her shoppe to participate in the second such show.

THEN I get an email from Houston and the Waterway Arts Festival in the Woodlands actually ASKING me if I would like to volunteer again in the VIP Hospitality Suite.

Heck yes!!

So I need to make necessary arrangements and plans to set up at the H-C Friday for AiB, then Saturday AM set up the ('a') small display of work at SOHO and leave everything in place for Sunday as I head for the Houston show. So three (3) places at once … Not everyone NOR ANYONE could pull such a thing off bit it looks like I AM in that nano-percentile that CAN.


Thanks Emma.

OK. Got some gigs and must, MUST MUST keep building the inventory and while doing so tweak the plan.

This is DOUBLE-you to YOU and … out.

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