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The Battle of Bill v InfluenZa A rages on and Tuesday was a big confidence day after a slight setback overall on Monday. But what can one expect for a Monday rebounding from Death’s Door?


Not at all Emma. It was touch & go early on and I was expecting a better, higher energy day on Monday but that just didn’t happen. I did a loop downtown around the square, bumped into the Gypsy Magda and we spoke for a few moments, I found Silver and headed to the casa by way of APL to exchange a large collection of dvds.


I took back eight (8) and got four (4) more. Only a couple forgettable and unworthy of mention and a few surprises. From the first set, Shanghi was pretty good as was the Secret Scripture. I told Kjell about that one as a possible ‘of interest’. She looked it up and agreed.


No. She never left.

The biggest surprise was Sherlock. The BBC production is a contemporary interpretation of the classic Conan Doyle characters set in 21st Century London. I got Series I (BBC speak for SEASON ONE) and in the second set got Series 2 and 3. Also rounding out the second set a ‘repeat’ Sneaky Pete.

The genre is listed as ‘crime drama’ but each episode is like a mini-version of that old movie ‘The Sting.’ Bryan Cranston is both a character and a producer of some sort. The main character is a small time confidence man and he gets into some crazy situations with his ‘adopted’ highly dysfunctional ‘Family’ who is actually the real Family of his cell mate from his most recent prison stay.

Amusing, crazy and entertaining. I see they have signed for a season 4 available on Amazon Prime video. A Bill Recommend for sure. Very light, fast moving and clever. This is an American series so pretty strict on the 40-45 minute run time accounting for commercials which of course there are not.

The Big Event Tuesday was an art committee meeting at 11:00 downtown which I needed to attend and actively participate in for emotional and mental health reasons.

Got that done, accomplished and out of the way and when I got back home called up Pat in FL. True to form as mentioned previously he is in a class by himself and conversations ran the gamut from golf, carousing, women, finances, grandchildren, politics, long-lost mutual friends, misspent youth and days in Happy Valley.

Pat lost his wife and a brother to pancreatic cancer and today is nearby and close to a grandson he hangs out with often.

Stars slipped by the FL Panthers in Downtown Big D. They never, NEVER make it an easy win and remain dangerously close to the playoff bubble.

Today is overcast, cool only up to 16 with a chance of rain all day so loads of carving. Setting eyes, final fine detail carving and prepping multiple projects for painting later in the week.

See the image for today. An island of ‘free time’.

And FINALLY to wrap things up ... here's a truly GOOD NEWS story.

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