April Fool’s Day 2019
Many possible headlines however could NOT pass this day over for an entry. 1 A or A 1 are acceptable as date designators and if one is including the year in two (2) or four (4) numbers, the letter (A) MUST separate the numbers. So 1 A 19 or 1 A 2019 ARE each correct and acceptable date designators. The former saving two (2) keystrokes which over a lifetime is a large novel.
Today’s image are latest visitors and guests enjoying the cement pond. I do believe I mentioned the awakening on the previous entry and yesterday afternoon as I was working I hear this ‘pep-pep-pep’ and upon investigation I had company. If experience holds to form, they will be here about a week before the grow large enough and bold enough to find a hole under the fence and move along.
Kind of fun to watch them.
I counted 6 or 7 yesterday but only three this morning swimming. Mom quaked wildly around 3:00 am for about 10 minutes and she has not been spotted yet today. I did turn off the filter overnight and found no little body fluffs in either skimmer. I am thinking she is on the nest either incubating additional eggs or warming up other little ones.
Speaking of numbers, it is 3 outside which is 37 F and by chance and the sheerest of coincidences 37 C just happens to be 98.6 F.
Inside was 14, 15 on the upper deck and 16 on the lower deck. Forecasts are for chilly which should keep the pranksters at bay but isolation and insulation should take care of that. I have some wood scraps to get rid of so a little fire while working in studio Z would be cozy.
Didn’t happen.
A few and just these. A late text, lame excuse and game over.
Must run. The train is at Procrastination Station and it is a perfect, P-E-R-F-E-C-T day for working.
Leon returned the call from Friday and his availability is limited and he is heading out of town next week which puts a good type of pressure on the artist known as W to prioritize work to get it to him to work his magic.
I looked closely at the calendar this morning and there are 4-5 shows in the next month so needing to get after it. The Market Street show in Houston should be notifying applicants of acceptance any day so keeping fingers crossed.
Bill chilling and out.