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Six A 2019

Saturday morning, gloomy if I can say that, and I am pressed for time, I have already made a circuit and run out, waiting on Chan and even finished breakfast so I have set the timer for one (1) hour for things to settle before resuming ‘heavy lifting.’

So 5:13 am things started and here are the numbers. I had 20 crib side and 24 on the Longines upper deck device. It was still dark and early and I shed my night cloths for the daily weigh-in and being necked (naked or nude) the maximum temperature sensors were how shall I say exposed. It felt pleasantly warm.

Weight was a little higher than I liked but I went down stairs anyway. Still bare, but it IS dark and NO one in their RIGHT mind is up at this hour on a Saturday morning so don’t get ahead of me OR get any ideas. The ‘show’ is not that great.

Downstairs it is noticeably cooler and when I checked, it is 20 on the lower deck.. I found this all very interesting.

It has suddenly grown very dark and is raining. I did get some of the pineapples out so they will LOVE this.

Perfect day for painting and I have a metric shitload of projects to paint.


Not at all. Creative and constructive use of MY time. (bitch)

My cup of creativity RUNNETH over and I prefer NOT to lose ANY of THIS material.

So yesterday coming out of Mass, I hear this ‘Bill, Bill.’

With some surprise I turn and it is this short little Phillipino lady and I immediately wonder if I had dated her. She apparently KNOWS me and I haven’t a clue (CLUE 1) who she is.

My mind goes into warp drive blasting new neurological pathways … STAT.


Well Jenn (short now for Jennifer), I think quickly to self what would Sandra Bullock do (WWSBD) in such a case?

I dusted off the file ‘gracious and graceful behavior’ folder. I feel like a celebrity all of a sudden.

‘Why hi, it’s been a long time. How are you?’ I ax.

She is berry short and another ‘lift’ for Bill as I look down on her NATURALLY and physically. She MUST be used to it. (my mind replays ‘A Scout is Kind … Courteous …)

I realize I had NOT dated her. Too short and not my type.

‘How I get to Ray and Judy Hall Liberry downtown? Must get there today for AARP help doing my taxes.’ Kind of loud but no one is around and I did NOT tell her it was any of my business WHY she was going there. I nearly axed her if AARP was charging for his service. I did NOT tell her what I RIP OFF AARP was with all of their ‘FREE’ stuff. Too much information. And I am trying to be GRACIOUS.


So I give my very easy and straight forward directions to get downtown to the library. So what does she say next ?


‘My daughter say I go other way … THIS way and she POINTS !!

Moments like this it is good to be a gemini as I had two (2) strong options.

First, I go OFF the chart crazy and INTERNALLY LOSE IT pummeling her MERCILESSLY.

Something like well your daughter is SO WRONG. Or that’s the long way or idiot’s way to get there AND a great way to get more lost. Or ‘Call your daughter then’. Or why on God’s green earth did you ax me? Or GO THAT WAY THEN.

Not that there is an EASIER way OR thee BEST SOLUTION … give her wrong directions so she gets REALLY lost. WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT !!

Final answer, ‘Well, you CAN get there a couple of ways after all this is McKinney.’ (hahaha) We share a little laugh.

Well there goes my timer. Time to move on to the next project(s).

Raining harder now. It has grown remarkably darker and even some cannon fire can be heard. The wooden ships are not sailing up or down Meadow Ridge yet but the guns are getting close.

I could go on as I do have the material and another story but OOT.



I headed to the Farmers Market shortly after 8:00 am for some beets and sprouting seeds. The FM is every week now that Spring is here AND it is back in its old location.

I drive around an nada. I loop around the block and finally see a young couple with and walking a dog-child so I pull up and ask them where is the Farmers Market ?

‘Oh, it’s CANCELLED today due to rain.’ She says.

‘How do you know that?’ I ax.

‘There’s a sign back there’ and she points.

BUT It is NOT raining.

‘Oh’ I say.

Apparently the ‘rain or shine’ rule does NOT apply to the Farmer’s Market.

What? Farmer’s can’t handle a little rain? I am going off again …

‘Well,’ I look up at the sky ans then look at them thinking they are from Cali, ‘

I guess we can always use the rain.’

AND it ISN’T raining !!!

I roll my eyes for effect.

Have a nice day.

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