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XV A 2019

The briefest of entry’s this Monday as I am in the final stages of preps, about to be strapped in for the flight from Houston to the cloud. That would be 3.5 hours of blinding sunlight and insane traffic fueled by ignorant and otherwise distracted drivers between here & there.



Well, obviously I cannot divulge and share some intimate (?) details BEFORE hand. Grace Jones and her Drones, snakes and killer bees we not available so I slipped out unannounced and am making full disclosure and report AFTER the fact.

Briefly, my plans for the three (3) day Arts in Bloom (AiB) in McK were aborted and scrubbed late in favor of travel to Houston. Accommodations with FB and the gang at Paradise South were excellente, I did a one-shift volunteer gig at the Woodland Waterway Art Festival (WWAF) on Sunday and am on my way home to work and build inventory for the next show and them the one after that the following weekend on Saturday only.

On Wednesday this coming week I have a design review with NATIVE, a new business on the square in McK. They want a couple of signs and this is will be the for the first one PLUS my strategic plan is to float some experimental home décor prototypes with them thru their establishment.


The final countdown has started.

The next report will be from the cloud during the week on a work break.

Chow peeps.

Major Thoms out.

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