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Good question(s) Sible from Saganaugh.

Fact is I would not even considered it had I not been in the previous relationship. Yes, the one from Albuquerque where apparently things are weird by nature. Lord have mercy the stories from THAT one.

A national day for the stoners.

Simply could not resist the date, topic for discussion, Holy Saturday, the level of activity and status and progress of the various projects. Now that I list EVERYTHING, I WON’T get to it all and Great Lakes am I busy. Top that with the message from Emma and Oz happenings is like coconut over the cherry on top.

I need to jump in and get to it.

Big day yesterday. Emma checked in and the poor girl is moving again to new digs. One quick thing E, I think a Killing O’Reilly would sell well and is a logical end to the series. THANK GOD. His fixations (plural) is singular a FIXATION and the guy simply never stopped touching himself as a child. I am THINKING this is what those type of children grow into. Creeps.

Yesterday at 10:00 I started breaking in a new dentist. Talk about a pain. (Sorry). I really & truly miss Dr Bryant but must move on. Dr Perry’s office or practice is like a mini-clinic. Lots of ‘staff’ and let’s start with the ‘new’ patient processing.

The dental assistant was from Jamaica or Kenya or Chad or Jeremy some such English speaking place regardless very difficult for me to understand. She also spent too much time in my mouth with said orifice WIDE OPEN stretched to the max. So much so that this morning my jaw still is hurting.

Dr Perry came in for the ‘consult, appraisal and assessment’ at the end and seems nice enough. A very weak handshake which was a mild surprise and marginal shock.

Stations of the Cross immediately afterwards as the dental fun and games overage made for beating feet to get to Saint Michael’s in time.

After that supplies and groceries at Sprouts. The cashier rang up an error code and the head cashier Kimberly, yes, THAT Kimberly my lady friend, had to straighten it out. I thought the total was high and as usual I was right.

I looked at the ticket and it was over $40 and showed an item ‘rosemary leaf’. I planted a rosemary plant that turned into a rosemary shrub and then a small tree so I am good, VERY good with regard to rosemary the herb.

‘These should be pepitas Miss.’

Then home to the sanctuary of the garage, shop and studio where things went swimmingly. I finished the three (3) three-by frames from Leon and the 45° corners cut with the new saw I simply NAILED. Sorry again, GLUED with the nail gun. I was truly pleased with myself.

Then I started on the cork boards. I failed to mention last time friend & neighbor Richard stopped by as I was working. I showed him the projects and he has ‘bags of the natural corks’. Gold mine.

My first design actually worked and it looks like even rows with no cutting of corks (trimming to fit) will be necessary. This is a shock but I do have a method or process to trim-to-fit developed for a back-up or fall back plan Justin Case.


She played the fiddle for the Greatful Dead.

So Stars game on telly at 2:00 network tv so invited to S1’s flat in Richardson. I am thinking they can handle the Preds. The games they lost they shouldn’t have and it should be over as they have outplayed Nashville in every game.

The vigil Mass at Saint Michael’s is 8:00 tonight which is perfect. If it didn’t work into my schedule as such, I was going to forego Mass Sunday morning.


Not at all. At Christmas and Easter the church is flooded with those ‘fair-weather’ Catholics as Emma refers to them Cheasters. The only times they come out are you guessed it.

Hard to fit a GOOD seat unless you arrive 30-45 early. The Mass is longer but the Families with kids are fun to watch. The little fidgeters or space shifters that can’t sit still are THEE BEST to watch.

A stop at the Farmers market this morning and perhaps a bike ride before picking up chicken wings and heading to watch the game. Still looking for beets and need sprouting seeds and fresh mushrooms for one more meatless meal.

There should be some time to make some progress on cork boards and prepping fish to paint next week.

Today’s image is kind of fitting. From the trip to Houston last weekend. The Tom Petty concert has been cancelled.


Shut up.

The Houston Symphony was going to do the ‘music of TP’.

The moral and hidden message on 4/20 is ‘No To Drugs.’

Maybe 4-20 will be an annual drug awareness day. Perhaps we need to make it a more regular Holiday like monthly OR a CONSTANT reminder as in twice (2x) EACH DAY.



Each and every one of my ideas is good and if it isn’t good, it is GREAT.

Take THAT to the Bank.


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