Easter 2019

Sunday, a Sacred and Holy Day full of joy. The sun shines, the birds sings, the coffee is hot and the day is cool, clear and bright.
The spa is on and the plate for this day is full. In fact, last night before retiring at the Last Review, the Command and Executive decision was make to scratch the day trip to Scarborough Renaissance Festival this day.
Therapist alert !!
A number of reasons actually for it is seldom that one pony ruins the show.
No. Just you the Inquiring Mind.
Stop. I’ve heard it all before.
It is one of those days where I almost feel extremely guilty.
NO !!??!!
The spa is turned on and warming up. Very nice in the morning with coffee and the sun rising before it gets warm.
The workload and work-in-process is truly impressive as it NEEDS to be. This week MUST focus on movable inventory for Bloomdangle next Saturday. First time for this local show and if I can sell 1 or 2 items, even smalls, I would be happy.
The plan is to hold back inventory to nudge up prices for NEXT Saturday at the Market Street Art Show in the Woodlands. With a robust inventory and higher prices it could be that perfect storm that storm chasers and watchers such as me constantly and consistently seek.
Time will tell.
In the meantime, minor delays at Procrastination station.
Laundry going, I look around the interior of my larger than normal cell and THINK ‘I need to clean’ but this thought quickly passes. Thank you God.
Speaking of God, it IS Easter and Lent is ended. I knew it would.
Haven’t had a cocktail yet but then again the spa is only warming up and it IS a long day and I won’t be driving. Perfect storm.
Taken care of. Last night at the Vigil probably for the last time. The candles and the whoopla including singing, ALL bilingual AND the added length proved too much. The place was PACKED. I had to cut out at the 1hr:38 min mark. I was nodding out. There was a nice Hispanic lad sitting next to me and in an effort to remain awake I was following along on the Spanish side of the Missalette.
Talk about blasting more, new and additional neural pathways. Wow & ouch. Barely able to keep up but it was all good.
Father Eugene OR the staff that runs such things had the ‘program’ ALL OVER the map making it exceedingly difficult to impossible to follow along which further added to my growing aggravations.
So there you have it.
I could go on as you well know by now but I am now otherwise INSPIRED and distracted by other activities.
Today I will start AND finish painting a very rare tropical fish of which only two (2) specimens have been reported and three (3) pictures. Or something like that.
If you care to look up Chaetodontoplus vanderloosi (aka Vanderloos angelfish), you won’t find much except Western Pacific and Papua New Guinea for a 'range'.
Next time. Bank on it.
Texting and working with FB, this MAY be PERFECT to send a flare up on eBay.
In other news quickly, watched Stars Stun Nashville with S1 at home making game 6 Monday night in Big D THEE Big Event. We’ll be there.
Bike rides are becoming more regular now and settling into a pre-regimen program.
Not to disappoint, Emma checked in. Easter arrived ABOUT 3:00 am Texas Standard time. Interesting takes on such Easter observances Down Unda.
I will try to reply later under separate cover Baba but don’t hold your breath OR count minutes or days por favor.
I see the spa has reached temp.
Sorry peeps.
Must slip out to slip in.