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28 Last for A 19

‘Summer's ready when you are. Summer's ready when you are.’ That was The Breeders in a Sunday night doble jugada Saints and before that Wait in the Car. It’s ten seventeen (10:17) here at the cloud where we’ve got more of the music you need to hear but don’t know it.

Winding down with a weird double feature. The first episode of season 2 of Six followed by Match Point a loaner I have NO idea what its’ about. Looks like British and about tennis. Loads of opera and stiff upper lips, chins up and funny talk.


It went well.

When axed such questions, one must answer carefully and cautiously.

I had a sale so I came home with more cash than I left with. The venue was spectacular and stunning. A spacious ‘tree farm’ just North of McK. Lots of roses and most of the flowers were of course blooming.

The event was well-run and the organizers took good care of the 15 or so artists that drew a nice crowd.

The sale was late and I might have lost money on it but I like the spin and sound of the strategic sale.

I made an inquiry for crepe myrtle pieces and was directed to Laura the main organizer and daughter of the owner. She liked a shore bird and asked what it was. It was the red knot and the price scared her so thinking quickly I knocked it down $15 and she took agreed. She wanted it for a gift to the girl that did the publicity and social marketing for the show. This person lived in Montana so I gave Laura TWO (2) business cards one for her and the other for her friend and told her to have her contact me.

She took me to meet her Father, Dean the owner, and we talked about getting the crepe myrtle and other oddies for bases and sculptures so it was very good for future potential and opportunities.

Another interesting person was a retired cop who liked my work so much he took a picture or three (3) and NEARLY convinced me to open a fb accunt.


I know right?

We’ll see.

Elsewhere today I have the sign all sealed and ready to begin painting starting first thing in the morning. It looks good but there is one small question I need to get answered before going forward.

There seems to be a small question regarding the color scheme of the lettering.

More of the same tomorrow. Paint and prepare inventory for Houston next Saturday.

Fading fast. Looking forward to painting the sign and delivering it Monday or Tuesday and I think cork boards and planning exactly what to take and how to pack.

I failed to mention that the last entry was number 600. Can YOU believe it? I know I can’t. Some biographer someday is going to have a field day going thru all these entries and is going to be FILTHY rich when they finish the project.

This will in all likelihood be it for reports until May.


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