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Dos mayo 2019

A surprise entry and a bonus this day. Not that much ‘new’ or even ‘newsworthy’ only one misadventure to report on.

The Stars squared the Round 2 series at two (2) games each last night besting the Blues 4-2.

The misadventure and tragic turn of events centers around the game.

The late start as mentioned 1 My 19 kept energy and anticipation up ALL DAY and at about 8:28 pm I was settled into one of the many comfy chairs here at the cloud with three (3) cork boards and corks to glue in them. I had created the perfect (working) storm for the evening with the game on the radio occupying the vast majority of gray matter and the hands busy placing, positioning and gluing corks within the frame on the board which I had cut out earlier in the day in the garage.

Speaking of storms, as dusk approached it got cooler and windy in the garage and as darkness settled the rain started first, then thunder and finally brilliant lightning. Timing in important here.

The game starts and from the first dropping of the puck ANYONE and EVERYONE can feel the tension and excitement. Then the Blues score and a stillness settles and the station fades and on comes a different station and from as near as I can tell it is either a Mexican cooking show or some Hispanic religious talk show LOUD and CLEAR and NO GAME !!

Calmly, I turned that radio off and worked in silence checking the score periodically on the phone.

Sometime between 5:08 and 11:38 (on the game clock) when I checked the Stars went UP 4-1. I get a text from S1 aka Br12 and that TURD is AT THE GAME reporting from the scene that it is WILD.

That’s it. The electrical storm crossed up the radio frequencies and reception but not hearing the entire game did not ruin the evening.

So the rest of today is pack, stage and load for the trip to Houston Friday and show Saturday. I have been thinking about this much which translates into ‘planning’ so I should be good. Even early this morning already I have placed traveling containers and work in close proximity as well as having a mental list which is bad I know.

But like everything else this is getting to be old hat so not OVERLY concerned to the point of ‘worry’.

PS: I have seven (7) cork boards done and ready and feel fairly confident they will sell.

As with everything, time will tell.

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